Monday, May 18, 2015

Issue 593 People and power May 18, 2015

So there are two categories for people in power in my opinion.  They are the arrogant and the charitable categories.  As to whether they are naive or not is something else altogether, but I am going to explain the characteristics of both.

The Arrogant:  This people are snooty. They feel they are above everyone else.  But they may be just covering up a weakness.  That they are insecure in their position.  Thus they will lash out or suffer from depression or even both.  Additionally, they will do as much as possible to ensure they remain in power in the first place.  So they may sacrifice friendships, or the redeeming parts of themselves to do so.   But then these people could also lose touch with reality and even feel they can do no wrong.  Thus, this broad category of individual.

The Charitable:  This group can also lose touch, but they attempt not to.  Charitable people simply want to help and are generally self-sacrificing.  As such, if they are unaware of it, they could destroy their own fortunes attempting to accomplish the greater good.  But generally, those who understand their positions will benefit themselves and use this to further their own charitable goals for they realize they need the position they are in to be as charitable as they are in the first place. 

Conclusion:  Obviously, no one wants to be the arrogant person in power, for they are really people who are suffering from the gift of power.  But charitable people are a special kind of person for they risk themselves.  They willfully may place themselves in a vulnerable position just to help others.  Both types of people in power are generally smart, otherwise they would not be in power in the first place.  But what they do and how they act while they have this power allows others to truly know who these people are.

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