Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Issue 590 Be a guiding light May 13, 2015

We can literally change the world, but that is if we do things in just the right way.  That way is to be an example for others.  Allow me to explain.

How being the example changes things:  Did you know that when you do a good deed for others, it releases positive chemicals in your body that make you healthier and happier.  You know what?  It does the same thing for everyone else around you.  So you can become healthier, just by helping others.  Also, this helping one another becomes a positive influence on those around you.  By doing a good deed, it triggers in other people’s minds to notice when and where they can do good for others as well.

But just doing good deeds is not the sole way to be an example.  It is also how you conduct yourself around others.  Your self-esteem, your confidence, your talents, and even how you simply talk can inspire others to change themselves.  So in addition to being kind and also courteous, if someone is mean to you, attempt to answer in a loving tone, or sympathetic tone as opposed to yelling at them back.   If someone says they can't do something the way you do, offer to teach them how you do a task and show them that they can adapt it so they can do it in a way that makes it work for them rather than simply copying you.  Basically, treating others how you want to be treated, while standing at the moral, and ethical high ground.

Conclusion:  The idea is to create a ripple effect.  If people treat others well, then entire towns will, followed by cities, provinces, and then entire countries.  It basically combines the pay it forward rule, with the treating others the way you want to be treated rule.  So it is designed to perpetuate across entire nations to help change lives and even the way we all think about ourselves and others.  But you still will need to stand on an ethical, and moral pedestal, while maintaining compassion and attempt to empathize and understand those around you.  It is certainly not an easy path, but it can work if we try hard enough.

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