Friday, September 18, 2015

Issue 681 Eugenics: Supports racism September 18, 2015

Again we shall talk about eugenics to finish up the week.  In this case, I will discuss with you my readers on how this fake science supported racism.  Let us begin.

Racial support:  When eugenics was being implemented it used the ideas of Karl Marx that one race was superior to another.  Marx advocated that blacks and Hispanics were lesser peoples and eugenics which was born from progressivism which is the descendant of Marxism sought to prove that and then some.  It went so far that head measurements with the size of the cranial cavity were used to define intelligence.  This further extended to other groups as well such as gays, and Jews as seen in Nazi Germany with respect to their extermination policies which were using eugenics as their basis.  But, before all that, there was George Bernard Shaw and Margaret Sanger.  Shaw was a Fabian Socialist who believed in these principles of one race or even sets of people being above another.  It was his idea first for the gas chambers to cleanse undesirables which Hitler used.  Margaret Sanger on the other hand did not invent Planned Parenthood out of the idea of women's reproductive rights, but instead to cleanse the undesirables.  When she established her clinics they were almost all in black communities, and she tried to enlist black preachers into convincing their congregations into getting abortions.  In short voluntary genocide.  This racism of the idea of one group was superior to another played into Americans fears and woes with respect to anti-immigration groups, KKK and later neo-Nazi groups, and the disrespect for people of skin colors other than white for years.  As you can see, the damage done continues to this day with the continued existence of groups like the KKK.  This evil spread to Islam and fit in with ancient anger against Jews in the middle east (Islamic governments during WWII supported Hitler and his final extermination ideas).  It was even deeply rooted in the Cuban revolution where Chee, and Castro believed that blacks were nothing but degenerates.  We even have selective abortions based on if the child has a disability or their sex, again based on eugenics principles where women were inferior to men and needed the backing of this fake science to perpetuate this lie.

Conclusion:  Wherever there is racism, and science supporting it, wherever selective breeding of humanity is, eugenics has played a role.  Even assisted suicide and ideas of euthanizing the elderly potentially are partially influenced by eugenics legacy.  Now even population control groups are reviving ideas from the eugenics movement in the form of euthanasia and forced sterilization.  This legacy can be quashed in time, but it is going to take a lot of time to do so.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Issue 680 Eugenics: Superhumans September 17, 2015

Eugenics, if you read yesterday's issue is a really bad idea.  It sought to cleanse the unfit from society to strengthen the human race.  But some would seek to go a step further.

Supermen:  The eugenics principles advocates that races or peoples were superior to other races or peoples and would breed forth the idea that a race of supermen could be developed.  As such, Hitler used this science to put forth that by Aryans breeding with other Aryans would not only purify the "race" but create superior men and even soldiers.  This would later spawn the idea of selective breeding by scientists to create superior breeds, but in this case with dogs.  In other words selective breeding to bring about certain traits in animals and even in plants is a result of the eugenics movement.  It can even be argued that genetic manipulation and the study of animal traits to bring forth superior food that can grow in harsh climates, and animals that can perform specific tasks come from a basis in eugenics.  In fact, while this fake science would be used as an excuse to cause mass murder in Europe during WWII, it would pave the way for new types of food stock that would aid in solving issues of world hunger.  This selective breeding and manipulation can potentially create supermen, such as superior athletes that do not need steroids to enhance muscles, or perfect bodies for a particular sport.  This genetic alteration idea comes from sciences while perhaps based on the same ideas of eugenics are not eugenics.

Conclusion: Eugenics is evil, but the evil that bore it resulted in a few good things such as better food crops to aid in fighting world hunger.  Its selective breeding idea and now with the addition of genetic manipulation can mean a lot for the world.  Genetically modified crops can survive drought, dog breeds specifically designed to find lost victims on mountains or sniff out bombs, even breeding a domesticated shark is another potential here.  I will not praise eugenics (as you will see in tomorrow's issue), but what we took out of it that was potentially good was for the betterment of mankind.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Issue 679 Eugenics:Death Panels September 16, 2015

Eugenics is a pseudoscience.  It is based on cleansing the population of those seen as undesirables, while strengthening the human race.  Today I am going to go over why this fake science should never be followed.

What is Eugenics:  Eugenics came out of the progressive socialist movements of the late 19th and early 20th century.  It was based on the Marxist ideals that spawned progressivism were some races and peoples were genetically superior and thus meant to rule over them.  But in the 1930s, this pseudoscience in the United States would be taken to its most logical "peaceful" solution.  In the historical background of the book "Unbroken" it gives a nice little list of those who were targeted by this evil fake science.  Those the fake science sought to cleanse were: The feebleminded, insane, criminals, women who had sex out of wedlock (considered a mental illness at the time), orphans, the disabled, the poor, the homeless, epileptics, masturbators, the blind, the deaf, alcoholics, and girls whose genitals exceeded certain measurements.   As to how they would cleanse these groups, the methods varied, but euthanasia was encouraged, and in mental hospitals euthanasia was carried out on patients, or they were killed through lethal neglect or even outright murder.  Some patients at an Illinois hospital were dosed with milk from cows infected by tuberculosis, with the belief that the undesirables would perish (4 in 10 of these patients would die) (Unbroken page 11).  Forced sterilization was also popular by State governments with some 20,000 being sterilized by the State of California alone.

Conclusion:  As you can see, eugenics is a bad science that seeks to kill or remove thousands from the gene pool to gain a superior human race.  Thankfully, this fake "science" has become seen as backwards, but its legacy is still here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Issue 678 Stateless Businesses September 15, 2015

Globalization has altered how businesses work.  In short, any business is in fact a national business if they ship around the globe.  As such, should we start thinking differently about businesses themselves?

Stateless Businesses:  Our concept of American Businesses, French Businesses, Chinese Businesses, comes from the age old concepts of territorial boundaries.  Basically, the business exists in a country and nowhere else unless they open up a headquarters in another country. But now that is unnecessary as the headquarters can exist in a singular country, a cruise ship, or even a person's laptop and still do business all over the world. This can be done thanks to the technology from the internet.  As such, businesses do not need countries to operate out of anymore.  This could potentially lead to businesses divesting themselves of national borders to escape taxation.  So a business can literally pick up and move to a tax haven if they so choose with little effort.  Even brick and mortar businesses can ditch the brick and mortar and operate on a network of computers throughout the world with employees seeing each other via video phones.  Deals can be made remotely and even discreetly without government knowledge.  These businesses also become almost impossible to tax as they exist as nothing more than a series of individuals.  All regulations that a normal business might follow become useless as the business exists out of islands in the Pacific, tax havens in Holland, or in the homes of individual people.  There may even be no employees to pay, and if there are people are strictly paid for quality of work.  Basically, these businesses are nearly impossible to track, tax and regulate. In short, businesses become like phantoms, existing as another entity that is above State control.  And you know what?  It is a very good thing.

Conclusion:  I wanted to give you my readers an idea into the potential of what a globalized business in the future will look like due to technological progression.  There is no need for any physical structure for the entire buying and selling structure is on the internet.  A single individual can present items on a cheap website, and when you click to buy, you are charged a traditional rate, but the business owner has no factory or warehouse, instead they have the actual factory in another business that produces your item deliver it directly to you while you are simply charged a little extra because you had to pay a middleman.  Alternatively, a factory can skip on using a middleman and ship to you directly without using other websites.  There is a large number of possibilities here as a single business can exist almost anywhere in the cheapest taxed country in the world.   No more patronage by government needed, no more need to follow most regulations.  It becomes a near free market paradise.  All that is left is to see how each business, and each entrepreneur develops in this new globalized market where taxes, and regulations on the workplace (excluding safety if you have a factory) cease to be of use.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Issue 677 College Cartel: What you can do September 14

There are a few things you can do to challenge the college cartel system.  Let's discuss.

Things to break a cartel:  To break this kind of cartel, we need dedication and a willingness to persevere.  This means the first step is alternative education methods.  So the taking of online courses, certificate classes, and certification tests all aid in defeating this system.  Obviously, you will need to be able to work in a non-classroom environment to do this, so if you lack the need for that kind of structure, then you are fine.  If you need the classroom structure, then do not follow this approach.  But, in all these cases, they rob the colleges of the big money that a four year degree provides and thus makes them adjust to accommodate the change in economics and education climate that you aid in creating.  

Another approach is skill based jobs.  Nearly all are "on the job training" or have classroom work that leads to finishing in hands on training.  These jobs include electricians, tractor repair and drivers, masons and the like.  Many jobs are open in these construction and factory based jobs due to the emphasis on college degrees instead of these skilled labor jobs like welding and battery testing.  These jobs promise $40,000 to potentially $100,000 a year jobs due to the lack of people needed to fill these positions.  So if you are willing to do the work, you dodge the need for a traditional degree.  

Your knowledge may be specialized and as such you can teach classes on what you know.  Basically, you can host private lessons or your own class on a subject and sell it while usurping the college system.  Alternatively, it is also possible to host your own on the job training programs once you start your own businesses.  But, this means creating a business first.

As to the other hard methods. We have petitioning the government claiming that colleges favor the rich (which they do to a degree).  As such, government making it so that we can get associate's degrees right out of high school like the Floridian system could work.  If that comes to pass, community colleges can be adapted to provide bachelor’s degrees at a cheaper rate which again undercuts private colleges.  As such, colleges will again be forced to alter their strategy.

Conclusion:  These are some basic ideas. Of course none of them are easy to accomplish as they will all take time.  However, colleges are already seeing a loss in revenue do to these alternative methods already.  The only real thing that is holding us back is government who can accelerate it or even change their narrative to make online, and other education methods more socially acceptable.  Basically say any education is a good one so long as it is equal to a college one with those being online courses, certificate courses, and certification tests.  Also, government must talk more about the skilled labor jobs that need to be filled.  If those are advertised more, then potentially a young adult may begin thinking of that as a possible job opportunity.  Much can be done to change the current system.  We just need to keep walking in the right direction.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Issue 676 College Cartel: Government September 11, 2015

Today we are going to look at the government's role in the college cartel.  Let us begin.

Government's folly:  The key failing of the government here is its advocating colleges as the sole proprietor of higher learning.  Public figures left and right promote colleges as the sole choice when there is a myriad of choices for higher learning that is equivalent to a college education or for other forms of professionalism.  For instance, online courses, certificate courses, and accreditation tests all void out the need for a college classroom as they show proficiency just as well as any typical college learning environment.  Also, the government ignores skills based jobs like mechanics, battery testers, electricians and the like where businesses are struggling to fill these jobs, with many offering on the job training.  Government perpetuates the idea that you can only be qualified, or "Smart" by getting a degree when we all know that it is not true.  But this plants the ideas in American minds that they are not good enough if they cannot go to college.  That they are cut off from that more profitable job.  And colleges feed into it as they will make money hand over fist due to this mentality.  Of course government, believing its own lie, and politicians not wanting to look bad, avoid the issue of the loans being given out to students that are becoming unpayable.  If government stopped the loans increasing, and started to promote alternate forms of education, then colleges will see the writing on the wall (in my opinion) and thus lower their costs and/or transform themselves into a more streamlined entity to adopt the alternative education models.  But government and the politicians are afraid to be the guys and gals that say no to student loans, and yes to alternate education.  How silly is that.

Conclusion:  Government as usual is causing a problem.  This time they are perpetuating an untruth, and compounding people's financial troubles with respect to student loans.  We need government to stop the stupidity and start preaching alternative education in all its forms.  It is supposed be having college as one potential stepping stone to a career, not the sole proprietor.  See you all next Monday to talk about what we can do to break the college cartel.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Issue 675 College cartel: Degrees September 10, 2015

So we have talked about loans and about credits, but what about the college degree itself?  There is some funny business going on here as well.

The degree scam:  Let us first start with the fact that around 12% of jobs actually require a college degree.  Yes, that is right, only 12%.  Yet many people think you need a degree to be a writer, or even an artist.  Last I checked a certificate class can aid you in those without extra expenses.  The only degrees that I know for certain are needed is those of doctors and lawyers due to complexity.  But there is issues there as well.  The education a doctor gets and the education a physician assistant or a nurse practitioner gets with respect to diagnosis is the same.  As such, doctors do not need all that extra schooling unless they are going to specialize in another medical area as well.  But they are required to get their doctorate by the boards who run colleges and license these professionals.  They have that requirement because they know it is cost prohibitive to try and be a doctor due to the many years of schooling and thus it artificially limits the amount of doctors that can be practicing at any given time.  As a result, the number of doctors being limited leads to a direct increase in the salaries of these doctors due to demand (now even at the expense of not having enough doctors in America).  Pharmacists too, have this issue as they need to take at least 6 years of schooling (including pre-requisite programs), but the knowledge base on drugs only requires two years.  So would not a bachelor's degree be better to include the knowledge, and the hands on learning once the classroom work is done?  It would, but limiting supply to raise salaries comes first for those who decide degree requirements.  Then there is lawyers.  They require masters and doctorates, but if they made it so it could be studied right from the very first year of college, there would be more lawyers which makes them cheaper to hire.  Additionally, according to studies (source is the economist and New York Times) the final year of schooling for a lawyer appears to be redundant, and they are now considering making it optional (but law firms still have to retrain the students once they graduate due to complete lack of experience and the degrees not matching up with real life job conditions).  So let us review, only 12% need to get a degree, and the degrees are established to make it harder to get by making them more expensive to obtain.  Something is wrong here in my opinion.

Conclusion:  What this all tells me is that certificate courses, bachelor’s degrees, on the job training (OTJ) and associates degrees with OTJ combined to equal a bachelor's seems to be the best solution.    As such, most Doctorates and Master's degrees are outmoded unless something more specialized is needed to be studied.  But even then, a yearlong course can replace even those specialized degrees for special skills as well.  However, we are stuck with multiple people needing degrees because jobs simply say so due to colleges being propped up as the place to learn.  Meanwhile we could have saved our money if the degrees matched real world conditions, did not intentionally limit supply to increase salaries, and actually stuck to the professions that require specialized knowledge.  We have been had in many respects, and it should change.