Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Issue 679 Eugenics:Death Panels September 16, 2015

Eugenics is a pseudoscience.  It is based on cleansing the population of those seen as undesirables, while strengthening the human race.  Today I am going to go over why this fake science should never be followed.

What is Eugenics:  Eugenics came out of the progressive socialist movements of the late 19th and early 20th century.  It was based on the Marxist ideals that spawned progressivism were some races and peoples were genetically superior and thus meant to rule over them.  But in the 1930s, this pseudoscience in the United States would be taken to its most logical "peaceful" solution.  In the historical background of the book "Unbroken" it gives a nice little list of those who were targeted by this evil fake science.  Those the fake science sought to cleanse were: The feebleminded, insane, criminals, women who had sex out of wedlock (considered a mental illness at the time), orphans, the disabled, the poor, the homeless, epileptics, masturbators, the blind, the deaf, alcoholics, and girls whose genitals exceeded certain measurements.   As to how they would cleanse these groups, the methods varied, but euthanasia was encouraged, and in mental hospitals euthanasia was carried out on patients, or they were killed through lethal neglect or even outright murder.  Some patients at an Illinois hospital were dosed with milk from cows infected by tuberculosis, with the belief that the undesirables would perish (4 in 10 of these patients would die) (Unbroken page 11).  Forced sterilization was also popular by State governments with some 20,000 being sterilized by the State of California alone.

Conclusion:  As you can see, eugenics is a bad science that seeks to kill or remove thousands from the gene pool to gain a superior human race.  Thankfully, this fake "science" has become seen as backwards, but its legacy is still here.

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