Friday, September 18, 2015

Issue 681 Eugenics: Supports racism September 18, 2015

Again we shall talk about eugenics to finish up the week.  In this case, I will discuss with you my readers on how this fake science supported racism.  Let us begin.

Racial support:  When eugenics was being implemented it used the ideas of Karl Marx that one race was superior to another.  Marx advocated that blacks and Hispanics were lesser peoples and eugenics which was born from progressivism which is the descendant of Marxism sought to prove that and then some.  It went so far that head measurements with the size of the cranial cavity were used to define intelligence.  This further extended to other groups as well such as gays, and Jews as seen in Nazi Germany with respect to their extermination policies which were using eugenics as their basis.  But, before all that, there was George Bernard Shaw and Margaret Sanger.  Shaw was a Fabian Socialist who believed in these principles of one race or even sets of people being above another.  It was his idea first for the gas chambers to cleanse undesirables which Hitler used.  Margaret Sanger on the other hand did not invent Planned Parenthood out of the idea of women's reproductive rights, but instead to cleanse the undesirables.  When she established her clinics they were almost all in black communities, and she tried to enlist black preachers into convincing their congregations into getting abortions.  In short voluntary genocide.  This racism of the idea of one group was superior to another played into Americans fears and woes with respect to anti-immigration groups, KKK and later neo-Nazi groups, and the disrespect for people of skin colors other than white for years.  As you can see, the damage done continues to this day with the continued existence of groups like the KKK.  This evil spread to Islam and fit in with ancient anger against Jews in the middle east (Islamic governments during WWII supported Hitler and his final extermination ideas).  It was even deeply rooted in the Cuban revolution where Chee, and Castro believed that blacks were nothing but degenerates.  We even have selective abortions based on if the child has a disability or their sex, again based on eugenics principles where women were inferior to men and needed the backing of this fake science to perpetuate this lie.

Conclusion:  Wherever there is racism, and science supporting it, wherever selective breeding of humanity is, eugenics has played a role.  Even assisted suicide and ideas of euthanizing the elderly potentially are partially influenced by eugenics legacy.  Now even population control groups are reviving ideas from the eugenics movement in the form of euthanasia and forced sterilization.  This legacy can be quashed in time, but it is going to take a lot of time to do so.

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