Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Issue 116 Ideal immigration part 2 July 9, 2013

Well part one was all about the basic requirements to get into the United States. Today is about who sponsors people to come in. Don't know what I mean? Read on and find out.

Farm/construction Sponsors: Basically, some people just want to come to a country, work for a short period of time and then leave. This includes migrant workers on farms and construction sites. Rather than just have a random number of people show up to want to be hired by a farmer/ Foreman and risk not having work, we can have a guest worker program. Each farmer/ Foreman determines the number or workers needed to help harvest their crops before the season starts and they give this information to the United States State Department. From there the State Department takes applications from those who wish to work such a job up to the total asked for. Then they hand the individual applicant a workers visa which allows them to stay in the United States for 9 months. Then if need be, transportation is provided to the now confirmed worker to the job sight. At the end of the 9 month period they will be picked up to be flown or driven back to their country of origin or a country of their choice. During the farming/construction season, the farmer can ask for additional workers if needed and the State Department will accept new applications based on the farmers needs. Also, the person with the workers visa will be able to come and go as they please with them simply going through the verification system to show that they left and when they return, but they can only do this through that 9 month window. If a worker is fired, the State department brings them home, but the farmer must provide a reason for their firing. If the worker was determined to be lazy or some other negative fireable offense, then the worker will not be allowed to work on any farm or other business for whatever time remains on their visa, and be suspended from being allowed to work next season. But if the firing was due to having too many workers, or the inability to pay, or some unreasonable reason, then the worker will have be allowed to have first dibs on any openings in what remains from the 9 month season, or be given first dibs at work next season. After working using such a visa for four times in a 6 year period, the individual will be allowed to become a citizen along with their immediate family (wife, husband and children).

Some of you are wondering why I would have the State Department bring them to the area for work and then fly them home. Simple, we want them to be able to get directly to the job and also make sure they take no detours that would allow them to get "lost" amongst the American populace. The cost savings of not having to find them later will be well worth the cost.

Business Sponsors: Both large and small businesses may sponsor people to come work for them. It works in the same way as a workers visa for farmers, but the length the individual is allowed to stay is increased to a full 2 years with the ability to renew or become a full citizen (along with their immediate family) once the two year window is complete. In this case however, the business pays the cost to ship the individual or individuals to the United States. There is no need to be selective about who comes to the United States or for the government to determine skill requirements as the individual businesses will know the exact skills they want. So this removes the governments need to figure out who has the skills the business world needs and saves us taxpayer dollars trying to figure it out. Also, Business can be more selective about whom they want and thus can name individual people that they wish to work for them, as such it eliminates the need to have long application lines like with the workers visa for farmers. Again, they will be allowed to come and go as they please to their country of origin during the 2 year window, but if they should be fired for any reason they will not have the opportunity to come back unless they find new employment or try to become a full citizen (discussed in part 3).

Education Sponsors: Here we have something similar to Business sponsors. People from foreign countries that are accepted into an American college will have their names given to the State Department and be allowed to come for the full duration of their educational career. If that education lasts at least two years then they will be allowed to remain in the United States as a full citizen (no family, unless they are already married, or get married during the two years). Like the business sponsor visa's, they will be allowed to come and go as they please to their country of origin during the length of their educational career, but if they should be kicked out of school for any reason they will not have the opportunity to come back unless they find another education establishment to attend or employment or try to become a full citizen (discussed in part 3). We want educated and talented people for the businesses we wish to support and so that these young men and women can start new businesses. Therefore having them become citizens once they complete their education is a wise and healthy option. (Note: the education sponsor and the business sponsor may be combined as the requirements are similar and it is not unheard of that businesses will sponsor a person’s education and hire them later.

Conclusion: By having these sponsorship programs it makes it easier to come and work in the United States and simplifies immigration. All the individuals will be mandated to go through the background check and be verified that they came into the country as well as when they leave to go home to their country of origin. Also, each version provides an opportunity to become a citizen of the United States after a certain period of time. The sponsor program is designed to take as much of a burden off the immigrant as possible so as to insure ease of the process and provide a sensible and easy path to citizenship if the person so desires.

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