Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Issue 117 Ideal Immigration part 3 July 10, 2013

The final part of the program is a system so that people who cannot get sponsorships may become United States Citizens. It is based on a point system with some benefits to make it easier to immigrate to the United States.

As Stated in part 1: Just like in part 1, allow applicants must go through a background check. It is just that simple. This background check aids in determining the number of points the applicant has. A persons affiliations, like to a church, or a charity provide positive points for the person, while a person with negative affiliations such as ties to radical groups will cause points to be subtracted. However, when it comes to being tied to radical groups or other negative influences like a gang, at least 5 years of separation from such a group must be required to remove any negative effects on the application process. This does not mean the individual will not be under close scrutiny, but by not having contact with the group or its members it shows you are no longer associated with them and thus less likely to commit a crime, or be an enemy of the State.

Good Points: Points will also be awarded for having already established a living place in the United States, being able to speak English (8th grade level), being able to write English (8th grade level), having a college degree and whatever else is deemed a positive by the system. If you worked under a workers visa, or business sponsor, or went to the United States under an education sponsor, but did not decide to become a citizen at that time, points will be added to your score. At no time will it be held against you for not wanting to be a citizen at that period in time, but will be in fact rewarded later for having been part of those programs. Also, if you already have family in the United States, that will also add to your total score.

Bad points: If you were a gang member, committed a violent crime, or are associated with a radical group linked to terrorists, you will be barred from all entry into the United States save the five years of separation clause for being a member of such groups and having contact with said members. Violent crimes exceptions will be on a case by case basis and all court records must be made available along with any evidence presented and evidence omitted to determine if an exception will be given. This is less about points and more about public safety.

How points add up: The total score needed to reach is 100. And each positive adds up to that score, like being able to read and right in English gets 20 points, a home/living arrangement an additional 10 and a job established another 10. Having been involved in a sponsor program, previous work experience or already having a college education gets you another 15 points each. So you can start out with over 50 points. Additional points may be awarded for being able to speak an additional language outside of English and your native language or already have family living as a citizen (wife, child, husband etc.) gets another 5 each. Being a person in good standing based on the background check gets an additional 10. Additional points may be added depending on wants and needs of the nation. But the idea is simple and it is easy to acquire points. If you apply, but don't reach the 100 points you will still be in the system and can add points over time. So say you got 75 points, but do not have a college education, you can add an additional 15 points by getting a degree equivalent to an associates degree in the United States bringing you to 90. So you can keep accumulating points as you go.

Family: If your children are age 18 and under, they will be immune to the points system as long as they are determined to be in your custody. Adopted children to people who are already citizens are also immune unless they are over the age of 16, where they will have to go through a points system, but must only achieve a score of 50 under the points system. A person’s immediate spouse must go through the background check but also must go through the point system, but must achieve a score of 50. It is a lower score for children (who are being adopted) and spouses because in some cultures education is repressed or hard to achieve, as such it makes it easier to ensure the whole family is able to come (I will not allow families to be broken up). However, the primary person who is applying will have to achieve the full 100 points for their family to come to the United States. If the spouse fails to achieve the 50 points, then the whole family will not be allowed to come to the United States. If a child being adopted (who is over the age of 16) does not achieve the full 50 points then they will not be allowed to enter the United States as a citizen.

Conclusion: The system is designed to be easy to achieve and understand, and as such a better alternative to trying to cross the boarder illegally. People cross illegally due to the system being so hard to understand and navigate. So this offers a simple alternative to coming illegally. The only bad part is that a quota system will be required so that the economic system is not overburdened by a mass influx of people and ensures both citizens and non-citizens alike have an equal chance of finding a job as more job opportunities are created. This also limits the possibility of new citizens ending up on welfare. Also, it must be based on a first come first serve basis, as such whoever reaches 100 points first gets first dibs to those coming in who achieve 100 points after them. As such some people may have to wait a year or more to get in based on the quota. But to save time and make sure these people do not loose their living arrangements or jobs, a limbo visa may be issued to an individual and their family on a case by case basis.

So this is it, an ideal immigration system that is meant to be simple and effective. I want people to come seeking their American dream and I hope that a system like this is created to give them the opportunity to do just that.


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