Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Issue 121 voter ID's July 16, 2013

Is it racist to ask for an ID at the Voting booth? Is it racist to ask someone to actually have an ID to vote at all? Well some think so. So let’s go over why.

The Corruption Crowd: One group that is against voter ID's are people who want to ensure certain people and groups can vote multiple times for the same candidate. They also want it so people who are not citizens of this country can vote for their candidate as well. The Corruption crowd manipulates voters and twists messages to make their candidate appear better than they really are and gives favors toward the non-citizens in the candidates name. While the candidate may not have anything to do with this, these non-citizens are being pushed and in some cases paid off to vote for that candidate. Groups and individuals like this are, from my perspective, go against any law requiring people to learn English for it makes it easier to manipulate a person when they do not speak the native language. Also, preventing voter ID's allows some individuals to vote more than once, or even pose as Adolf Hitler or Mickey Mouse to vote for their candidate of choice. It is also why some dead people seem to come back from the dead to vote on occasion.

The One world Crowd: This group does not believe in national boarders. For them, living in a country for a set period of time means you automatically become a citizen and thus should be allowed to vote. A group like this is an amalgam of libertarians who want open boarders, and people who want a world government. The members may not always agree, but they want the right to vote to go undaunted no matter where someone lives.

Anti-Totalitarian group: Anti-Totalitarians fear a fascist or even a marxist regime. Any perception of a police officer asking for your papers to identify yourself reeks of abuse by government to them. So they oppose any form of national identification that they fear will lead to any form of police state. Just for reference, this group is bi-partisan as people on both sides see it in this manner.

Is it racist crowd: The final group sees any need to present an ID at a voting booth as racist. They remember the days when blacks and people of other races, colors and creeds where not permitted to vote based on law. So any infringement that could prevent their voting is seen as a possible injustice. However, this is all based on if the group or groups are singled out so as to prevent them from being able to obtain an ID, which in turn prevents them from voting.

Conclusion: As I am sure you will all agree, the corruption crowd and the one world crowd cause problems for the rest of us as they allow for the corruption of the vote. Mean while the anti-totalitarian group and the "is it racist crowd" must be assured that it will not come to a police state or a return to the days of fear. A national ID is a good idea that can be used to aid everyone depending on how it is used and what functions are added to the card itself. But most of all, it prevents a lot of corruption. As such I am in favor of the card so long as it is given to everyone at no cost to prevent racism and that it is only asked for when your identity needs to be known, not when the government demands.

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