Monday, July 22, 2013

Issue 125 Sequester Idiots July 22, 2013

Well, the sequester has begun to hurt people in the United States. However, not in the way people might think, and all of it done in the name of politics. Let's have at it.

The Cuts: Rather than cut excessive spending and overlapping programs, the government has cut the pay of the members of the National Guard. They took an entire day off their weekly work schedule which amounts to at least a $1,000 pay cut. Mean while the Pentagon has failed every audit it has ever had. But instead of cutting bad programs, they give furlough to Pentagon workers. Some of these workers play crucial rolls in the national defense, but instead of cutting party budgets, they cut them.

Excessive spending: We have already heard of parties being thrown by the office of management and budget, but have you heard what other agencies have done. The IRS makes mini movies that could have been made in someone’s basement for a few hundred dollars, but they spend over $50,000. A Pentagon conference hires a party planner that cost $75,000 to hire. Over the course of 10 years, the IRS alone has spent almost 2 billion. They have knockoffs of Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek, while others have line dancing classes and expensive clowns. Thousands down the drain that could be better spent on cracking down on tax cheats, investigating terrorists, or even just fixing broken programs.

Cuts to come: Listen well, there are more obnoxious cuts coming down the line and they will not be pretty. Some agencies may purposely delay payments like social security, and others may shut down loved programs like Tours of the White House (which by the way does not cost a single penny, because they are done by volunteers). The reason is because these departments and agencies want this all to hurt. They want to be seen as victims by the American people so that the sequester can be stopped and they can continue getting their pork budgets. Do not feel sorry for the government bureaucracy as they are in fact evolving into an all powerful blob with more power and control than Congress and the President put together. Why is that so? This is due Congress and the President differing to the government workers to write the more detailed aspects of laws (regulations). As these government agencies have so much control, they can purposely make a regulation that is terrible to make both the Congress and the President look bad politically and ruin their political careers. In other words, the so called "G-men" now have control.

Conclusion: Our government is de-evolving into a false republic slowly but surely. This is due to politicians not wanting to take responsibility for their own failings and thus the "G-men" becoming much more powerful each and every day. If you think about it, the IRS did not go after the Tea Party Groups because of politics (they did not even need that motivation), but because the Tea Party wants smaller government and that means getting rid of parts of the government bureaucracy. They are anti thesis to each other as the government wants to expand exponentially. But here is your motivation to make government smaller, bigger government equals more taxes, and even if you try passing it all onto the so called rich, they are going to tax you too, or at the very least make it so costly to live in the United States everyone will become a member of the working poor.

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