Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Issue 164 Personal Managment 2 Spetember 17, 2013

Part 2 is all about promoting individuals (which can also be used for the hiring process as well). Remember, putting the right individuals in the right positions is crucial to maintaining good work flow and running a successful business overall.

1. Performance, Competence and leadership potential are the primary considerations for deciding if a person gets promoted.

Each of these qualities is judged separately to find the best overall measure in comparison to other eligible persons who want the same position. This insures that only the best qualified person gets into the position that they are needed in most.

2. The qualities for each of the aforementioned in number one are determined by the individual person’s attributes and traits.

Basically, know each of the skill levels of your employees and how well they work with others. Know about their personality and what makes them a good worker.

3. To help decipher who is the best candidate, hold a yearly test to determine these traits and attributes. Then if they qualify hold an interview before a panel.

The tests help you figure out overall levels of ability and help you measure your workers against each other. Once these measurements have figured out the necessary measurements in number one, the panel looks into the overall personality and ability. It will determine if the person is worthy of the position over another talented individual.

4. All appointees are only to be employed when all talents are confirmed.

Basically, ensure they are as good as they look.

5. If this process is being used to hire someone new then you separate them into general applicants and applicants who have committed crimes or are involved with scandals.

General applicants move on, but those with black marks on their record must be evaluated to insure that they are still worth hiring despite their history and that it will not negatively impact the company if they are hired.

Of course the same principle of placing people into positions that they are most useful in is still maintained to insure the jobs assigned are done quickly and efficiently.

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