Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Issue 170 Pay College Sports Stars September 25, 2013

Some people think a college sports star must make a lot of money. Well that would be the case if they are picked up to play professionally. In truth, to my knowledge, no person playing on any college team is paid. I think this should change.

Status Quo: At current, a college sports star and the rest of the members of a college team are not paid to play. They at most get a few perks and a free ride via a sports scholarship to attend college. Some think it is OK not to pay these men and women because they are getting a break on having to pay for school. But what some people do not realize is that some of these college athletes cannot even afford to pay for a ticket to let their own mothers to come watch them perform.

What should be: The men and women in a college sport are professionals. Every time they perform they are making the college money. Some of these colleges like Notre Dame make millions every game. College football alone is a multimillion dollar industry. Basically, if you compare the scholarships some of these athletes have to how much money the college makes off them; it becomes clear how the students are being robbed of their efforts. It is true that these college sportsmen and women get that proverbial free ride, but after they graduate they may end up poor. That is right, despite the degree that they receive, they may still have to desperately look for work. As I stated in the "status quo" section, some of these college sports stars cannot even afford to pay for their mothers to see them play. As such, why bother with a scholarship when the college should be giving the athletes a cut of the profits coming from their hard work. Only a select few sports stars make it to the big leagues and thus the big money. But if these college professionals get paid for their efforts they at least get a much better head start than they would have with a free education.

Conclusion: Some may be thinking that the almost free college experience is worth it. That getting money for their performance on the sports field pales in comparison to the over all college experience. I may even hear from some of you that they don't deserve to be paid for doing a "college sport." Well I'll tell you this. You have no right to tell anyone how to spend their money. If they choose to put their money else were then let them. Charge them for going to college like a normal student, but pay them a professional salary for their performances on the field like they deserve. The college will get the money back with respect to tuition, and the students who play the sports will get a better head start in life. It comes down to paying the college athlete their fare share like they do in the professional leagues likes the NFL, NHL, MLB, and NBA. Those professionals in the big leagues get paid to perform. It is only right that college athletes get paid to perform in the same way.

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