Friday, October 4, 2013

Issue 177 The debt ceiling October 4,2013

The debt ceiling is coming. Currently, the debt "ceiling" as it is called is set at around $18 trillion. If it exceeds that amount of money, then the government will be forbidden from borrowing any more money. Many of you are saying good as they know that our current debt is $17 trillion and is going to reach that $18 trillion very shortly. But not everyone agrees.

Those who want to borrow more: The President wants the debt ceiling raised. I do not know if it is because he wants to keep borrowing to support certain programs, or he feels that more debt is the key to paying off what America owes. He just wants it raised. President Obama has even erroneously said in speeches that if the debt ceiling is not raised then the United States will not be able to pay off its debts. It is funny logic to pay off debt with debt. Does that not just increase your debt burden in the long run? What ever the case, the fools in D.C. consider borrowed money as a form of income. This money is always spent on whatever they "feel" is needed to help the country. This includes money to universities to study a shrimp running on a treadmill, studying drunken Chinese prostitutes, money to successful businesses, and even money to China which is not even being used to pay off our debt to them. Basically, the borrowed money is used to support the status quo currently going on in D.C.

What would happen if they could not borrow?: Well, then they would have allot of unfunded mandates. The government will be forced to either pay up or let things go bust. Yes there is a potential for bankruptcy at the federal level, but what most people do not know is that the treasury can prioritize paying off the national debt and as such all money will go towards that save the essentials. Thus, we will be safe from bankruptcy so long as the politicians don't get in the way. Also, the federal government will be forced to sustain itself on the money taken in rather than borrowed. As such Congress will have to pass much smaller spending bills that do more with less. So the government will finally be living within its means.

Conclusion: People like me are exhausted by the elaborate spending, and trash that the politicians put out. There are people who actually need help and yet 75% of welfare ends up helping the richest and most elite in this country. And you know what, many of that elite work in Washington D.C. When the market crashed, the only city to not be affected was D.C. They barely suffered at all, and in fact experienced growth. The more power that gets concentrated there the more corrupt it becomes. We do not want that beast fed any longer. It must be starved of its financial means that is being used to bankrupt our nation. I want the debt ceiling reached and the government to be forbidden from borrowing. We all should want to have the government live within its own means by rooting out corruption, eliminating overlap and reducing laws and regulations that serve no purpose. It is time the government goes back to being responsible. I hope it is time that the government understands that its spending spree should end.

If you agree with this, then contact your Senators and Congressmen and tell them "let us live within our means."

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