Friday, October 11, 2013

Issue 182 Christian Jobs October 11, 2013

Today I give my opinion on what classifies a Judeo-Christian job. These are characterized by how they give more to the individual than to the person accomplishing the job itself. In other words my working in that job benefits everyone else first before it benefits me the individual.

Doctors and pharmacists: These professions are primarily designed to help people. They advise people on how to stay healthy, and help tell individuals what they need to do to get better. Doctors diagnose diseases, mend bones and perform lifesaving operations. Some also act as therapists for the purposes of recovery after an accident or to help a person cope with a loss or mental disorder. Pharmacists know how drugs interact and help to ensure that people do not take drugs that would cause them harm. They also prepare medicines that help to heal us based on what a doctor prescribes.

Volunteers: Volunteers get their rewards based on participating and the individual feeling like they made a difference. So when you help out at a food kitchen, aid in disaster relief or help out people who are in trouble you are rewarded with the feeling that you did something to make someone’s life a little easier. Being a volunteer is like giving to charity, but it does not use your money to accomplish its goal, but your willingness to take the time to help people.

Running/being part of a Charity: Running a charity, or being part of a charity is similar to being a volunteer, but instead you run an organization in a similar manner to a business to help organize those volunteers or to direct charitable donations to where they are needed most. As such these organizations act like a church with respect to helping and sheltering the poor. It is all about helping people in the best way possible that will help them out of poverty or relieve them of their burdens long enough to raise themselves out of their situation.

Librarians, Historians and Scientists: Yes these are also a form of Christian job. Librarians and those professions derived from it store and maintain data. This information is and can be used to help further man kind as it progresses as a society. By storing data they also keep it so that future generations can build off of it and learn from it. Historians and Scientists are those who seek out new information on our natural world and while contributing to the information stored by librarians and archivists they continuously seek out more discoveries and answers. Even the church has supported science such as astronomy and biology to help us better understand our natural world (there is a telescope in the Vatican).

Teachers: These men and women take the data and information and help students to take that knowledge and process it so as to help them form their own conclusions. Basically teachers teach students to think, but not what to think. The more educated a person is, the more likely they are to succeed in life.

Conclusion: These professions in my opinion are jobs that are very Christian. They give more than they take. Each and every one of these professions impacts people and future generations as well. It was Thomas Jefferson in writing a letter to his son that said "God prefers inspired questions than blind faith" (I paraphrased). So basically we are even allowed to question Gods very existence. These jobs do test us as we see the horrors done in the name of religion and what man kind has done to each other. We question why God lets people suffer. But when you look at what we are capable of, then you may understand that we can prevent such things from happening through knowledge. We even are able to help others when they finally hit bottom and are ready to bring themselves back up. All these jobs help accomplish this and as such I label them Christian jobs.

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