Monday, October 7, 2013

Issue 178 Political Party Fakes October 7, 2013

The political parties of any country are tools for getting candidates they choose elected. But, the parties themselves are fictitious. They do not represent a singular ideology, but a coalition of ideologies that find mutual agreement on certain issues. As such they are a bunch of fakes who pass themselves off as something more than they truly are.

The puppet masters: Those who control the parties are the ones who decide who runs in each election. These men and women use their power and authority to control which candidates are acceptable to the public at large so as not to appear too radical. Yes, some parties have votes to decide who will represent them, but those in the election are carefully selected by the party leadership. Did you notice that Ron Paul in the Republican Party primaries back in 2012 was ostracized by the party? The leadership did not like his brand of libertarianism or the fact that he was not as "progressive" as the leadership desired. As such his own Republican party (as libertarians, his true party, are still a fast growing minority) attacked him. So if you do not stick to the party line then you are predisposed to fail or at the very least be attacked from all sides.

The ideologies: A great number of people make up the members of each political party. America is no exception to there being a vast number of varying views and ideas with respect to political parties. But these groups tend to pool themselves into groups who they can either leech off of or at the very least share a similar goal. As such in the Democrat party you have the Communists, Socialists, Some Fascists, Some religious fascist on the most extreme end. Then you have moderates which include members of the Green Party, the Climate change groups, Lawyers, advocacy groups, Unions and the like. For the Republicans you have Unions as well, but you also add religious rights groups, and other progressives that you would find in the middle of the road Democrats party. In other words Progressives in the middle who want to advance the country in the way they see fit. Finally, there is the small government crowd, Tea Party groups and the Libertarians. If you look at it closely enough you will see that the Democrats have the most radical groups which they keep a tight leash on. This is accomplished through effective leadership and careful messaging which gives them what they want to hear or parts of legislation they want in order to keep them voting Democrat. The moderate Democrats and the middle of the road Republicans are the progressive group. Here, these groups tend to contain the party leadership. These people sound the most reasonable and generally stay in power the longest. Everyone else, like libertarians, are the third portion. Libertarians exist on both sides of the isle depending on which party will make their goals come true first. That really is what it is. It is these ideological groups joining together to get their agendas passed using these fake labels like Republican and Democrat.

Conclusion: I was no fool. I new the parties would not represent me at all. As such, when I registered to vote I checked the undecided mark when it came to deciding on a political party. The undecided mark is not even a political party like an Independent. It is a complete divestment from the party machine. So I can vote in an election, but I just surrendered my authority in choosing a candidate for either side. Let us face it, no one likes to be used and by being a member of the political party you let yourself become their puppet. Parties are nothing but Umbrella organizations that can disappear and no one will miss them. My goal writing to you my dear readers today is to remind you of that. The only essential component of government is a strong foundation through a Constitution and the people who support it. Parties can be tossed out with the trash.


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