Thursday, October 31, 2013

Issue 196 School Breakfast and Lunch October 31, 2013

Currently we have a school lunch program in the United States and it has expanded to breakfast as well. The goal is to provide some of the poorer families with the means to feed their children on the cheap without harming the parents’ pocket book. But I have a question or two.

First Question: Why are we using our tax dollars going to the federal government to pay for this? Our property taxes should already be more than enough to pay for a free lunch for all the students in a given public school, let alone a breakfast. So why on earth are we all paying for that again? It makes no sense that we as citizens have to pay twice for the same thing. On top of that, where the heck is the money that is supposed to be going toward our nations children? It is obviously not going to them. That is because it is going towards the ever growing bureaucracy for public education. Our money is spent more on crap and waste then on the school children themselves. Just look at the school parking lot and you can see how well the administrators are paid based on the number of luxury cars in the lot. We have a major problem in our schools and it is not about the schools getting enough money.

Second Question: Why is the federal government involved in this in the first place? As I have already stated, the money going toward the schools are more than enough to pay for kids lunches and breakfasts. On top of this, local governments should be able to take care of the citizen’s welfare within their own districts. Yet the federal government comes waltzing in with their one size fits all standards to make a mess of things. Not to mention the school lunch program is already a mess with it suffering over a million dollars worth of fraud this year alone. If the feds are getting involved would it not be better to say, if you enroll in this program that you as a school need to reform. If the money is going directly to the parents, would it not be more appropriate to have this be included in the welfare package as local governments and the schools in our country are too incompetent to manage their money effectively?

Conclusion: I am making this issue short because this program is a load of bull. How can you run this program and not tell these people to manage their money properly in the schools so that parents will not have to worry about feeding their kids at school. Hell, if public schools were managed correctly then there would be no need to sign up for this ridicules program that is wasting our tax dollars due to both fraud and mismanagement at the federal and local levels of government. We don't need more government, what we need is a government that actually works.

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