Friday, December 13, 2013

Issue 227 Bullet control!? December 13, 2013

Many people fear guns. That is a given as they can kill you if misused (duh). However technology has progressed to the point that traditional bans and restrictions on all forms of firearms will be rendered totally redundant (my pro-gun self is cheering right now). But, there needs to be a limit on who can carry a gun (at least that is what the anti-gun people say). So here is another one of my proposals for the public at large to satisfy both sides of the argument, bullet control.

The idea: Currently, people can make a gun in their own home using 3d printer technology. Truth is however, is that most people could make a gun even without a 3d printer as well, but the 3d printer simply made the process easier. As it currently stands people fear guns due to changes in cultural attitudes. In the United States, gun safety was once taught in schools and people respected guns and the power they had. But we will not be going back in time anytime soon and getting rid of gun control as a whole (even though gun control is entirely unenforceable). As such I propose an alternative. Rather than limit the type of gun and who can own one, limit the ammunition instead. That's right, only limit the ammunition, the bullet itself, and let everyone else own whatever gun they want. The concept is simple, a gun without ammo is only good for intimidation (or show and tell) and nothing more (but the criminals don't know if you're loaded or not).

How it works: The process is simple; abandon all current forms of gun control save limiting the sale of fire arms to semi-automatic (one shot per trigger pull) and the criminal background check. From there certain types of ammunition used by the most commonly used guns in crimes and murders will be limited to be purchased by those with a license. So a 9mm round for a pistol would require a license to buy. Basically, it switches the mechanisms of gun control over to the ammunition. Some forms of ammunition will not need to be licensed as some bullets are so small that they do less damage than a BB gun. So ammo that is used for non-lethal purposes like a bean bag round, pellet guns and the like would be totally unregulated. Bullets that fall into the less than lethal category like small palm guns would also become unregulated as the bullet is not just too small to overtly kill someone (save with a lucky shot), but the gun usually has to be reloaded every time it is fired. Outmoded ammunition, which can only be fired by guns that are no longer made, is so hard to come by that there would be no need to regulate them. Musket and other classical firearms have no need to have there ammunition regulated either. As such, only bullets fired out of handguns and some rifles need the limitations.

Who could buy these restricted bullets: Special dispensation will be given to all military, law enforcement and public servants (both active and retired) along with there families to be able to purchase bullets that fall into the restricted class. The only limitation would be the same limitation that normal people would have, if they committed a violent crime. My version would instead put a limitation to a violent crime within the last 20 years after they have finished serving their sentence with a total ban on anyone who has committed the act of rape and/or murder. Other people who would require special dispensation are people in the witness protection program or other people who need some form of protection like celebrities, people being stalked and people in high crime neighborhoods. Finally hunters would be given special dispensation as well as they perform a service in controlling the populations of animals. Applications for licenses would be categorized as personal defense, hunting and enthusiast, with enthusiast being competition and recreational shooters in general.

Conclusion: Well this is the overall idea. Limit the bullets and not the guns. Sure a large number of people will now be eligible to own a gun as traditional gun control is replaced with bullet control. This is the medium I have come up with that keeps people out of jail for simply making a component that can potentially be used in assembling a firearm. Restricting that control to bullets that are used in common guns used in crimes also ensures more practicality in respect to lessening violence. However, while my idea may have some merit to you my dear reader, it too will be outmoded one day do to technology. As people become more and more able to make goods in their own homes, bullets too will be able to made in the home just as easily as guns are being made today (both in the factory and in the home). Gun control in truth is a loosing battle with bullet control simply staving off the inevitable as bullet control will give way to gun powder control which would limit all forms of manufacture and purchase of explosive powders used in ammunition. So is there a true solution to solve this problem? Yes, there is, and that solution is to bring back the classes to schools teaching kids how to use firearms, teaching people that guns are not simply a weapon of attack, but a tool of defense and to hunt game. We need to show that firing a gun at the range is the same as playing a round of golf with family and friends. To have a society that respects guns and there use, American culture needs to change so that it does not reject guns, but once again embraces them. This is the undeniable truth that we must bear until guns themselves get replaced by newer and more lethal weapons and firearms.

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