Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Issue 239 New Years eve December 31, 2013

What do you do for New Years Eve? Is it a holiday to be celebrated? I'm not sure to be honest. Let’s discuss.

Survived another one: When you think about it, you can say that New Years is a celebration of life. We survived another full year on this planet despite all the dangers existing in our world. Don't believe me? Well if you look at the ancient cultures that celebrated New Years, they celebrated with a harvest and festival even though each winter could wipe them out. They survived the dangers of predators and disease each and every day. Now look at the modern day where we still face disease, war, famine and now nuclear holocausts. So saying we survived is not exactly a joke.

What should we do?: So how do we celebrate? The same way we always have, by having a party. Get together with close friends and family to enjoy each others company and to just be merry together. It is a similar feeling to Thanksgiving, but with the twist of it being about ushering in the New Year.

Anything special?: Because it is the ushering of a new year and follows two important holidays (Thanksgiving where we are thankful for what we have, and Christmas where we give to those we care about or are in need) we have to do something right? Well, this is where New Years resolutions come in. No, I'm not talking about loosing weight or bland silly things like that. I am talking about trying to be a better person than the year before. So things like, "I will not get stressed over nothing anymore" or "I'll get angry less" are very good options. It is now a holiday that goes beyond surviving the year before. New Years is now all about betterment of yourself so that you can say that you are not the same as you were the year before. So that you as an individual can say "I've become a better person."

Conclusion: It is time again to make your New Years resolution. So I ask you, make one that matters, and that you can enforce upon yourself. But most of all, try to improve upon who and what you are so that you can be proud of yourself.

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