Friday, September 5, 2014

Issue 412 Half Breed Tracts September 5, 2014

Have you ever heard of a half breed tract?  Well while it sounds kind of racist, it was actually an idea from the early days of America to give land to those who were half Native American.  Allow me to explain.

What was it:  It was an idea to give people who were half Native American their own land in the same way they gave land to those Native Americans on reservations.  Though this was done more out of sympathy rather than racism like with the reservations.  In short, it was to give them a place to live.  Here, the land given was meant to be exclusive to people who were half Native American with the right to self-governing.  So they essentially answered to no one but themselves.  It failed in the fact that the restrictions on who could live there were not really enforced and eventually so many none half people moved in that the lands were absorbed into the States.

Modern thought:  As a libertarian, I am always looking for an excuse for people to get out from under the thumb of the Federal Government.  Essentially, revive the concept to create new reservations to kick the Federal government out of people’s lives and reinforce self-governance.  Of course this would require people who are even part Native American, or even part other ethnicities that are protected to join hands to create these modern half-breed tracts.  Also, it would need money and lobbying efforts in Washington to force the issue.  The result could be libertarian paradises where people rule themselves with the smallest amount of government possible.

Conclusion:  Well, it was a nice idea at the time, but in truth separating based on race or ethnicity is a really bad idea as it reinforces divisions between peoples.  So I personally see these modern half breed tracts as an excuse to be used (means to an end) to gain more freedoms.  But again this is a thought experiment, and not wholly practical for modern America in my opinion.

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