Thursday, September 25, 2014

Issue 426 Conquest versus Rival mentality September 25, 2014

There are two mentalities to countries, businesses and sports teams.  These two mentalities are Conquest versus Rival mentalities.  But what does these mentalities entail?

Conquest:  This mentality is the oldest form of mentality.  Here we steal, control, destroy others to achieve success.  Basically, you eliminate the opposition to your goals by any means necessary and thus leave nothing left of the opponent.  This mentality is also the kind that creates future conflict, and hatred.

Rival:  In contrast a rival mentality does not destroy the opponent at all.   They do not steal or destroy, but rather run parallel to the opponent to compete with them.  Here, there is no destruction (save self-destruction if people get careless) so as to create a culture of competition.  As a result, this leaves room for friendships and the freedom of choice by others to enjoy both sides’ benefits.  So as an example, two clothing manufactures can exist making the exact same product rather than one having to be destroyed in order for the other to survive.  No hatred, or animosity, just friendly competition without the chance of a monopoly.

Conclusion:  So what would you rather have?  The Conquest or the Rival mentality?  I personally prefer the rival mentality that some often attribute to American Capitalism.  But today we are losing that rival mentality and reverting back to the foolish conquest mentality.  So I say we have a choice to make.  Choose the mentality upon which to have and expose via example, or go back to the barbarism of conquest.  Remember, your actions affect those around you.  So by you alone leading by example, you can change the minds of thousands.

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