Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Issue 425 Dr. King Jr. and Affirmative Action September 24, 2014

 Affirmative Action is a controversial topic today over the discussion on whether it is necessary or not in today’s society.  For those who do not know, affirmative action is where people of a certain race are given special treatment to prop them up for positions and acceptance in certain institutions.  But what did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. think about affirmative action?

Dr. King Jr.'s thoughts:  Apparently Dr. King believed in affirmative action.  He felt it could be used to speed up the process of social equality in America.  And to a certain extent I believe it did as well.  But now it comes to question on if he would support its continued use in today’s society.  So he would probably be of two views in my opinion, and they are:

1) Dr. King would continue to support affirmative action, but would begin removing the benefit for certain people based on level of social equality.  At the same time he would probably suggest revving it up for those who have taken the place of the oppressed in the United States while the previous oppressed become accepted.  And even then, people will not be as oppressed as time goes on, so the level of interference by an affirmative action program could be diminished over time.  Hence, true social equality could be gained, but unfortunately through government force.

2) His other possible opinion would be to eliminate it seeing as it is now a tool for race baiters who wish to continue the idea of inequality (or inequality itself) in order to gain power through hatred and resentment.  So once its initial job was done, it would disappear.

Conclusion:  While we can only suspect what Dr. King might say, I believe he would go with option one as it has the least chance of being used by race baiters as it will constantly shift from one oppressed group to another.  Dr. King wanted social equality, and as we have come very very close, there are those who threaten to rip it to shreds.  If Dr. King was still around, the world and social equality in America may look like a very different place. 

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