Friday, September 19, 2014

Issue 422 The Circle Maker part 2 September 19, 2014

Hello again.  Today is part two of the story of Honi the circle maker.  Or should I say his only other obscure story as written in the Old Testament.  So let us begin.

Tale number two:   Honi is walking along a path and sees a farmer hard at work planting a date palm tree (which will eventually produce the fruit called dates).  Honi questions the man on why he put so much effort into planting something that he will never reap the benefits of for the tree will not bear any fruit within the man’s lifetime.  

The man responded that it did not matter if he could not reap the benefits of his labor, for his children would in his stead.  At that Honi walked away apparently not fully understanding the man’s logic.  He would then feel sleepy and fall asleep under a tree.  

Honi would wake up many, many years later.  Upon his waking from his slumber he realized something was off.  He walked down the same path and noticed how different it looked.  He happened upon the same date tree he had seen planted many years earlier, but now it was fully grown and bearing healthy fruit.  Honi noticed a man working to pick the fruit from the tree that looked very similar to the man who originally planted the tree in the first place.  Honi walked up to the man and asked after the farmer who planted the tree.  

The man told him that the man who planted the tree was his grandfather and had passed away years ago.  He told Honi how grateful he was to his grandfather for leaving this tree for his family to use to prosper, and the memories he had made with his father watching it grow.  Honi was stunned and walked away toward the town.  He asked if anyone knew him, and none did.  He had no one who remembered him.  It was then that he asked God to take him to the next world which God did.

Moral/Conclusion:  Here the moral of the story is that you want to leave a legacy behind.  Basically make an impact on the generations to follow so that perhaps you will be remembered for your deeds you have done, or the person that you were.  So can you leave a legacy for others to follow, be inspired by, or serve as a model?

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