Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Issue 559 Internet kill switch March 31, 2015

The government has sought an internet kill switch since the internet has become so integral to commerce, communication and of course the exchanging of both good and bad ideas.  But what could potentially happen if they turned off the internet.  Here are some of the terrible things that could go wrong.

Medicine:  As someone who works in a pharmacy, I know for a fact that nearly 100% of all medical billing is internet based.  Also, when the internet has gone down in the stores that I have worked in, we were unable to fill any prescriptions via peoples insurance.  That is how dependent we are.  As such, we had to have people come back later when the internet was up, to either get re-billed via their insurance after they had paid the out of pocket cost, or pick up their prescription once it could finally be filled through the insurance.  Needless to say it was a hassle.  But if the internet was dead, how long would these people have to wait for potentially lifesaving medication to be covered?  Some of these drugs are thousands of dollars and people are already on a tight budget.  You get the idea.

Financial transactions:  Credit and debit card payments are all done through the internet as well.  So, you couldn't pay for your groceries (let alone medicine) via your bank cards.  Essentially, you could not access your money and would be left only with whatever paper and coin money you have in your pocket.  Thus, you may starve simply because you could not pay for food assuming the internet is down for an extended length of time.

Communications:  Text messaging, telephone calls, radio, television, and all other forms of media and communications all use the internet now.  As such, only analog technology (assuming you still have it) will be the only way to communicate (basic two way radio).  No communication means no getting in contact with grandma who has a heart condition.  It also means no calling for 911 in an emergency.  

Conclusion:  I provide these three broad topics as to what would be unusable if the internet kill switch were to not only exist, but to be used.  It is the ultimate terror weapon to a society built around computer and internet technology.  So stay aware everyone and if they announce their intention to make a kill switch, or use it, fight them with everything you got.

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