Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Issue 560 Gay's VS. Religious Businesses April 1, 2015

Let us revisit this topic again.  Reason being that it is a serious issue with respect to how we can respect each other.  And you know what, an interview with Mark Cuban via Glenn Beck provided the best answer to doing this respectfully.  Allow me to tell you what that respectful way is.

A respectful declining:  First and foremost, any business can turn down a customer for any reason they see fit.  But, the business owner should explain to the customer why they are turning down their business if it is based on something like religious views.  So a business owner of a florist turns down a job by a gay couple getting married, he should explain that while he respects them as people, he cannot go against his faith and partake in such an event in any way, shape, or form.   But Mark Cuban said that if he were in their shoes (the businesses owners) he would also recommend a different flower shop that will cater to their wedding.  Essentially, give the business away to someone who is willing to do it, as opposed to forcing the business owner to go against their beliefs.  Very simple is it not.  Simply say why and recommend someone else.

Conclusion:  Now the gay couple has to respect the business owner as well for this to work.  If they don't, current laws allow them to sue for money because this is apparently deemed discrimination.  While yes it is a form of discrimination, it is not the type that causes a lynch mob, but the owner of a business exercising their own judgment based on faith, or other factors we may not know of.  Whatever the reasoning, the fact is that if the business owner is giving the business of the gay couple away to another, then they have a legitimate reason and then that should be that, with gay couples knowing not to buy from that florist and people who object to the owners reasoning not shopping there either.  From there it is up to the florist to overcome any repercussions from their objection.  That’s how it ought to work, but people are weird and lawsuit happy.  So let us just respect that some people don't want to do certain things, and move on.  

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