Thursday, April 16, 2015

Issue 571 The Data collected April 16, 2015

You know, I hear that a lot of people do not really care about all the data being collected by the government and businesses.  They think that they did nothing wrong, and thus why should they care.  Well I am going to tell you why you may want to rethink that.

Blackmail: The first thing is that people can use this data to blackmail you if you feel that certain past deeds like a sex tape or you getting wasted should not see the light of day.  Would you want your wife or husband to misinterpret an encounter with a member of the opposite sex?  Yes these tiny bits of data can be manipulated or used to extort you out of your savings and wealth, or to perform tasks that you are normally unwilling to do.

Ruin people:  Another negative is that this data can remove people as obstacles.  Why defeat an opponent in a political campaign on merit when you can show the opponent hitting his child across the face to discipline them and make it look like he/she abuses children.  It can also be used to just hurt others, by releasing embarrassing videos or things a person has written.  Friendships can be ruined by simply finding one part of a conversation where someone is talking about someone else and then showing it to the world or the person in question.  Can you imagine if the same was done when you were speaking about your boss?  

Rule Breakers:  Our government may at times be hard up for revenue.  Can you imagine if the government dived into how we drive our cars and if we obeyed all the traffic laws.  That is a lot of tickets isn't it?  The same goes with everyday events and people going about our business.  But we can be breaking the law.  For example, in New York State, it is still illegal for the driver to get out of the vehicle via the driver’s side door?  And that is a tiny example, with people estimated to be breaking at least three laws every single day.  The government can find us and fine us at will.  Scary right?

Conclusion:  Can you imagine what a company/government can do with the number of porn sites someone has visited, or whatever other embarrassing information they may have obtained.  And yes, they will use it in some way, shape or form if they deem it useful to whatever they seek to do.  So double check yourself and remember, anything you say and do, can be used against you.  

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