Monday, June 1, 2015

Issue 602 All at the table Jun 1, 2015

When the riots happened in Baltimore, people of the media, and celebrities expressed the opinion for the need for an open discussion.  However, they wanted everyone represented to hash it all out to try and find a solution.  Today I am going to explain why that will not work.

Everyone actually represented?:  Well, it is impossible to represent everyone in a discussion of this sort.  Think about it.  Every person from each group must be represented.  So that means we need a black male and female, a gay black male and female, a male and female Jew, gay male and female Jew, Puerto Ricans of every sexual orientation, and religion, etc.  Now notice by putting everyone at the table, you now have a vast variety of groups with their own interests weighing down and distracting from the primary subjects of Police and Black American relations, police uses of force, race issues between whites and blacks, and Black crime in America.  In short, dragging gays, Spanish, and other religious, racial and ethnic groups in, the subjects become blurred.  However this is not the sole reason why this is a bad idea.

The other reason why this is a bad idea to bring all the groups together is that everyone has their own unique opinion.  As such, any one single black male or group thereof, cannot speak for all black Americans.  Likewise, no single white male, Catholic, or person of Irish, Italian ancestry can speak for me.  Basically no one can speak for each other. 

Conclusion:  So what are we to do to have a discussion?  No matter what, do not put down anyone’s opinion no matter where it comes from.  Unless a person calls for the annihilation of a single group, or that they are less human than another group, they are not racist.  We have to not only start a dialogue, but be able to listen to the hard truths despite our desire to not accept those truths.  Then and only then can we begin to finally talk it out and work past the rising racism and hatred that is rearing its ugly head once more.

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