Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Issue 603 Commercials?! June 2, 2015

So we all hate commercials.  They are very annoying to us, and frankly, many people don't even bother listening anymore, let alone watch.  However, commercials are what pays for the movies and shows we like.  So what is going to replace them so that we can have commercial free shows?

The options:  So there is a few methods to go commercial free so as to help pay for movies, and shows.  The first is subscription based.  In this case they will use a model like Netflix which buys entire libraries of shows and movies.  That subscription then plays a part in paying the actors and production costs for the programming Netflix puts out. Remember, these people have to earn a living and while production of movies and television shows is getting cheaper thanks to technology, it is not 100% of the way there.  So a subscription works.  

Another option is that you put the products into the movie or show itself in what is known as product placement.  So you can have an actor sipping a Pepsi or a Coca Cola on film.  This includes cars, cigars, mobile phones and computers, etc.  So we may see close-ups of Iron man (Tony Stark) taking his phone out of his jacket where a close up will reveal that it is a Motorola or an Android.  This means even billboards in the background of a movie like Fast and Furious can be used to gather revenue for the film.  As such, even if the film or the television show is a bust, the costs to produce the film, and pay for the cast and crew can still be covered.  

Conclusion:  I like both these options over a show being interrupted by a commercial for Sham Wow or similar products.  And the fact that actors may be using them in shows and movies the ways they are supposed to be used in the first place allows people to envision themselves using the product too.  Even small plugins by the actors like them bragging about their Oxiclean are feasible so long as it does not detract from the story.  From there, if there are any commercials, they will be between shows advertising for upcoming shows that the company wants to get people to watch and thus increase their profits so that they can stay in business (and entertain us the viewers as well).  

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