Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Issue 668 Abortion: Potentially Bannable?! September 1, 2015

This issue will look at some facts about how many abortions are conducted at each stage of pregnancy and implications of abortions at each stage.  Let us begin.

Abortion facts:

1) In the first week to two weeks, the egg is not fertilized. The end of the 2nd week once the menstrual period starts to end is when a women is most likely to get pregnant.  As such, once sex occurs at the end of the menstrual period, the women has the highest chance to become pregnant (occurring in the third week at the end of menstruation).  An egg and sperm meet in the fallopian tubes at which time conception occurs. From there the fertilized egg commences cell division and descends the fallopian tubes.  Sperm which lives for up to five to six days may not have interacted with the egg yet however for the egg must be far enough down in the tube for this to occur.

Hormone treatments like birth control which prevent periods and the egg falling aid in preventing the fertilization of the egg.  Thus it acts as a form of contraception and is not abortion (I am fine with all forms of contraception that I know of). The morning after pill prevents the fertilized egg from settling in the uterine wall once it descends and can potentially be considered an abortion pill, but that is because it prevents the fertilized egg from latching onto the uterine wall.   Depending on your views, the morning after pill is abortion, but you are not considered pregnant until the fertilized egg has latched onto the wall.

2) Once latched to the uterine wall the fertilized egg develops further.  Upon week five the nervous system develops and can, depending on how fast development occurs, actually feel pain.  On week’s six to seven, the heart forms, limbs develop and sensory organs like eyes and ears begin to develop.  This is where right to life people want to be with, with respect to compromises.

In week five (their ideal goal) they want it banned for the child can feel pain.  Though some will settle for the heart as the heart pumping is generally a recognized symbol of a living being, and is most easily understood.  As such, abortion if it were to be banned at a stage of development, it would most likely be based on when the child is most recognizable as a living human, which would be once the heart forms in weeks six and seven and begins to beat.  Up to the first 12 weeks is the 1st trimester with 89 to 91% of all abortions taking place.

3) Weeks 13 to 27 is where final development of the body before growing ever larger.  7.8% of abortions happen here.  In this instance, the abortions here are largely unnecessary however as the woman's life is not in danger at all as far as what I have read is concerned.

4) With respect to the third trimester, this is where abortion is banned save for a woman's life being in danger.  In this case, only 1% to 1.4% of abortions occur here.  What should be understood as well is that as technology progresses, the need for this exception of saving the mother's life continues to shrink (thank God for science).

Obviously, after the third trimester, the baby is born. 

At this point I would like to add some facts about rapes and pregnancies from the Washington Post article "The claim that the incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy is ‘very low’".  In this case the article cites a 1996 study by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where 4,008 adult women were interviewed, with only five percent of them becoming pregnant among the ages of 12 to 45.  The study also included factors like drugs and alcohol, and was designed around finding out about actual sexual abuse (the definitions of rape actually varies per State and may include voluntary partners who may be a few years apart, and potentially even adultery which is still considered a sex crime in some places).  The study was done over the course of three years.  Based on this data from the article, it can be proposed that we can safely ban abortion even in light of potential rape victims as an exception and thus limit the abortion to the first trimester, or even before week five potentially depending on how conservative you are with science and beliefs.

(64,000 women were raped between 2004 and 2005, [3,200 potential pregnancies from rape here].  13 million in 2010 were either raped or were assaulted with intent to rape, but the article says that because of the varying definitions of rape, that 13 million is about half of what it is.  As such, taking that number [including attempted rape] 325,000 women potentially got pregnant from the assaults)

Conclusion:  So it is possible to ban abortion from week five on to uphold life when the nerves form.  It is possible to compromise to get it bannable on week six because of the heart being formed.  Before week five though is a push, and requires people to know more about their own biology and thus science to avoid becoming pregnant in the first place.  

People should be given information into ways to prevent becoming pregnant in the first place to negate the inevitable keeping of first trimester abortions for at least the first half.  However the 2nd trimester is bannable and the third looks likely to be bannable as well as technology advances to keep both mother and child alive in instances of potential life endangerment (remember, only about one percent are done in the third trimester).  So whether you believe through science or through religion, abortion at certain stages can be potentially banned.

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