Monday, September 28, 2015

Issue 687 Government money and Subsidies September 28, 2015

The government likes to give out a lot of money.  They give it to businesses, organizations, other countries and even charities.  But, the tax payer money does not belong to them.  It belongs to us.  So don't you think it is time they stopped with the handouts?

Case against subsidies:  Subsidies, for those who do not know, are monies given by the government to any form of organization with little to now expectant returns.  For example, Planned Parenthood gets subsidies under the claim that they use that money for women's health.  However, that organization performs abortions which violates people's religious and moral beliefs.  As such, as a voter who does not agree with abortion, the money should not go to Planned Parenthood at all.  Likewise, money goes to oil companies in the form of subsidies, which people who believe in global warming and climate change do not believe in.  They as a voter have the right to say no, as it is the tax payer’s money.  It is their money too.  However, these subsidies are numerous.  The national endowment for the arts is one organization in the government that funnels money to artists and organizations in the form of subsidies to handpicked artists whom you as a voter may think sucks.  Money is given to charities, unions, businesses and organizations to get their favor and money for the following election.  The government and politicians also pick and choose who they deem are worthy to get these funds and some of these funds are placed into laws to get politicians to vote for things they may or may not believe in.  So what does this tell us?  That our money is being used as a tool to grant political favors.

Conclusion:  There really is no shortage of examples for you merely have to google how much money an oil company, import export businesses, union, Planned Parenthood and more have donated to politicians and how many subsidies have been given in return.  They are literally a click away.  Think about all that wasted money that was just tossed to these groups that may or may not benefit anyone but themselves.  Subsidies play into the corruption of government via lobbyists whom we all do not like in general.  As such, we need to ban subsidies via a constitutional amendment.  That Amendment must state that the government cannot give money to any organization, or group of individuals of any kind, under any circumstance with the sole exception of purchasing a good or a service for use by the government exclusively or as part of a treaty with a foreign country.   Basically unless they are buying something for the government to use like a computer program, or fuel for the militaries motor pool, the government can no longer give any money away ever again.  And with that, our problem would be solved.  No more moral violations or ethical violations with the people's money ever again.

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