Monday, November 9, 2015

Issue 717 Preventing Gun Violence November 9, 2015

We all want to prevent gun violence.  That is something everyone can agree on.  But how?  Here are some ways to do so.

Gun Violence prevention:  These are some methods to prevent gun violence:

1) Counselors in schools: Some kids and young adults are angry.  They experience bad home lives or have to deal with issues relating to other kids in school.  As such, giving a place for these kids to talk and for councilors to empower these kids will help resolve the anger as much as possible.  Perhaps using some techniques for patients who experience post-traumatic stress and/or anger management techniques can help these kids overcome their anger issues and thus not resort to violence.  (In all cases the kids will have the privacy of Doctor patient privilege save if they pose a danger to themselves or others if it comes to that.  This insures that the kids know that they can speak freely and thus approach the councilors in confidence).  It can even be mandatory or as part of a class on dealing with stresses in everyday life.

2) Team up with Churches:  Religion can help a lot.  By getting Churches and other religious institutions involved to aid in reinforcing morality and faith, this can help guide young kids and young adults into finding ways to deal with issues without resorting to violence.

3) Reforming Mental Health:  One of the biggest issues with gun control is mental health.  There is a lack of reporting on people who have mental health issues to the people who perform the background checks.  This must be fixed as soon as possible.  Additionally, people with mental illness in the United States cannot get help unless they are deemed a danger to themselves or others.  This too must change so that these individuals can receive help sooner before the danger becomes all too real.  The last few mass murders with a gun all happened (as far as I know) due to a mentally ill person who managed to get their hands on a gun (both legally and illegally as the case may be).  As such, a network on which people seeing counselors/therapists can be created so as to aid in tracking these individuals treatment which will include a grading system for the therapists to judge if their patients pose a threat to anyone.  This grading system can then be used by background checkers to see if the person can get a license for a firearm.  Also, an ask for help clause should be made so that if a person who has a mental illness is not being treated, they or a personal representative can request help for them to receive some sort of treatment.

4) End some forms of Victimless Crimes:  Drug gangs seek to protect themselves because they cannot call the police.  These gangs infringe on each other's territory and this results in shootings.  Gangs also use guns for intimidation, and of course out right murder.  This can end via legalizing drugs.  The gangs will cease needing to exist as there will be now legitimate ways to get these drugs which will force these gangs to break up, go legitimate, or resort to other forms of crimes.  Basically have a special pharmacy or clinic dispense the now legal drugs with a prescription insuring the safety and security of the addict.  Same can be said for prostitution and them trying to protect themselves.  By legalizing these amongst similar victimless crimes we can reduce gun violence and our prison populations while we are at it.

5) Bullies:  School bullies are one of the major reasons why kids turn to violence as many students feel like they cannot do anything to save themselves.  They see school staff as incapable of protecting them.  As such two things need to happen.  One, victims need to be empowered and kids seeing other kids being bullied need to go to the aid of those kids to surround the bully so the bully knows they are alone in their stupidity.  The Second thing is real punishments for bullies.  This means being scared strait, in school punishments so they don't play video games all day, extra school work for their actions, embarrass them, or appeal to their ego and charge them with a code of honor so that they will defend kids from being bullied instead (make them see that they can become a hero of justice to a degree).  Basically ways to deter them from actually performing the act of bullying.  This can even mean showing them the horror of what their actions can result in like footage/pictures of kids cutting themselves due to stress, committing suicide or committing murder out of revenge.  Make them realize that their actions have really horrible consequences.

Conclusion:  While these ideas will not solve all gun violence, it will at least help reduce it.  And that should be the goal.  To reduce the need for a gun outside of something for recreational shooting sports and personal defense. Anything is better than arguing about faulty gun control measures and not getting to the heart of the issue, the human heart.

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