Thursday, November 19, 2015

Issue 725 Fixing Democracy 2 November 19, 2015

As we are talking about fixing democracy, we need a canary in the coal mine in office.  No, I am not talking about a literal canary, but someone who can play devil's advocate and hopefully suppress the radical ideas of idealist Presidents.  I am talking about altering the role of the Vice President.

Vice Presidential Fixes:  So we all know that if the President can no longer serve as President for whatever reason that the Vice President takes over.  Did you know that the Vice President is the President of the Senate according to the Constitution?  What this means is that the Vice President organizes debate on the Senate floor and only has a vote there in the event of a tie.  And that is pretty much it.  Or should it be?  If we are going to fix the role of the Vice President, then we need to make him/her the opposition.  This means that the runner up in a Presidential election will be the Vice President so as to be the devil's advocate and be the canary that says the President is going too far.  But how would that work?  How is a Vice President going to be in meetings with the President (especially if the Vice President is not liked) while actually doing the job as President of the Senate?  Well, the Senate is not meant to be in session all the time, and the Vice President is not necessarily there all the time either.  Sure, the Vice President can keep the tie breaking vote as the Vice President represents government and not necessarily the people.  So what about making the Vice President the chief of staff?  The Chief of Staff organizes meetings, and oversees the operations of the Executive branch.  That is one way to make sure that the Vice President is in on the meetings, but that may be pushing it.  The reason being is that the Vice President need not be in meetings to be the canary, and is meant in this case to go public with his/her reservations.  We need a Vice President that is designed to usurp and undermine the President's power via public statements.  So remaining the President of the Senate is fine along with the tie breaking vote.  But adding in the equivalent of a State of the Union address would be most beneficial.  In this case, the Vice President would publically go before the Congress and the Senate and voice his/her concerns.  In this instance, the time frame for these speeches will be the week prior to Election Day each year at minimum and at maximum additional ones can be held or the Vice President may address the people publically through media and the press.  No President wants to be reprimanded or look bad the week before elections are held for that means his or her opposition can gain just the foothold they need to usurp the President's allies in the Congress and the Senate.  People listen and the American people will listen to the Vice President if we give the appropriate title and message in the speech the Vice President will be making.  So we can label it "The State of Opposition" speech. 

Conclusion: Other than that, the Vice President really has no roll, save maybe formalizing the Vice President attending State funerals, weddings and other events in the President's place.  The Vice President can informally also stand in for the President at Cabinet meetings or other official business, but these will need to be added into the Constitution much like the "State of the Opposition" speech in order to formalize duties and actually give the Vice President any semblance of political clout.  So let the Vice President meet with foreign dignitaries on behalf of the President, perform all ceremonial duties and basically any public duties.  This keeps the Vice President in the limelight in contrast to the President's power, but makes the President's presence all that much more important when he/she does eventually appear in a non-ceremonial or even a ceremonial function with the Vice President.  They will literally be competing for public attention with the Vice President having the advantage of making connections and being the most visible person to the public at large (which will help to ensure that people listen to that speech).   I thought of making the Vice President the Secretary of State, but that defeats the canary in the coalmine idea, so we will have to settle for all ceremonial duties being carried out by the Vice President, formalizing his/her role as a stand in when the President is absent and hopefully adding that opposition speech in for good measure.

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