Friday, November 20, 2015

Issue 726 Fixing Democracy 3 November 20, 2015

So we got Congress and the Senate, the Vice President, but what about the Electoral College.  It aids in creating corruption and allows people more power than they normally would have.  So how do we fix this?

Fixing the Electoral College:  Our current electoral college works as follows.  Each State chooses a slate of electors, with two for each electoral vote that State has with half representing one candidate running in the Presidential election and the other half representing the other.  From there, we the people vote and then the majority vote decides which slate of electors votes who then vote for their chosen candidate.  Somewhat simple right?  Basically it makes the system a winner take all vote as the candidates need a certain amount of electoral votes to be elected President.  Problems are caused by this however.  For one, a person in a Blue State (Democrat party) like New York State overrides their Republican brethren with respect representation in that State.  Which means that it is almost pointless for a Republican to vote in New York as they will always be outvoted.  So you lose representation.  Additionally, this helps Swing States like Florida as more attention is going to be paid toward it due to how many electoral votes they have and how they can go for either candidate.  So Florida gets major benefits from politicians as they want to play nice to manipulate the voting in their political party’s direction.  This also means that businesses in these swing States gain advantages as well as explained in Issue 722 with the example of Sugar growers having superior say in political circles if they originate in a swing State and thus make them able to manipulate the market in their favor (hello lobbyists).  

So what is the solution to our votes counting more, getting other States to be paid attention to, and to reduce lobbying?  Simple, eliminate the winner take all system. Have it by electoral district with each district's electoral vote going toward whichever candidate had the most votes in said district.  Then if the majority of districts in the State vote for a particular candidate, the two electoral votes representing the number of Senators each State has (electoral votes are determined by the total number of Representatives in the House and Senate combined) will go toward the candidate with the most electoral votes in that State.  But if neither candidate gets a majority, then the electoral votes representing the senatorial representation will be divided between the two.   Actually let us scrap that, and make it so that the total number of electoral votes is equal just to the number of the members of the House of Representatives and each candidate must win a simple 50% plus one majority.  No more by winner take all bull crap.  Just win half the 435 plus one electoral votes to win.  This makes it simpler and easier to understand.  Every electoral district is equal which means the Candidates for President will have to visit multiple places to try and win, not just a few key areas of a State to get all of the votes as with the current system. It eliminates the power businesses had if they existed in swing States and thus reduces their political clout and thus their ability to lobby Congress which hinders crony capitalism.  It also means your vote may count more as well especially as you are not locked into the Republican or Democrat majority State situation anymore.  States also become more equal as Swing States and States with a lot of electoral votes do not count as much anymore as candidates are not trying to win a whole State, but instead a majority of the people by electoral district.  Truly much better than the current situation.

Conclusion:  This will be hard to pull off because we are basically removing a lot of power from a lot of people.  It does not eliminate key businesses like banks, international and domestic trade ports and the like, but it removes as many businesses as possible who gained say (lobbying power) artificially through our imperfect system.  Basically it is better than the status quo.  However, I will not go toward a pure democracy with the direct election of the President just yet, as I still fear mob rule.  Until we can counteract that, this solution I present to you here is as far as I am willing to go while fixing the system.

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