Thursday, November 12, 2015

Issue 720 Aid Church: Physical November 12, 2015

So we talked about the mental health portion of this concept yesterday. However, I hinted that the physical portion of the idea was not just doctors.  So to satisfy your curiosity, let us begin.

Aid Church:  So like mental health, Priests specialized in different forms of physical health will be divided up between churches, with some specializing in one kind or another.  Yes, doctors in the form of nurse practitioners will be in some to provide basic diagnosis for common problems like bumps and bruises to the cold and the flu.  It will focus primarily on physical exams and inoculations as it takes a lot of infrastructure and expensive equipment for more complex medical care.  As such, that will be only a small portion of aid churches providing that form of care due to expenses (we have to teach a priest to be a doctor so of course just making it free will be difficult).  Therefore the other parts of physical health will be people who specialize in things like nutrition or even yoga and Tai-chi.  Yes, simple things we take for granted health wise.  Real physical health.  Nutritionists will need simple blood testing machines that are becoming cheaper so as to help their patients develop an eating plan for their dietary needs.  Weight loss specialists for those patients that are obese or are suffering from weight related problems will team up with nutritionists and therapists.  Yoga, tai-chi and other soft martial arts and meditative practices will aid in helping people keep their body in shape without mutilating themselves through over exercise.  There may even be room for exercise equipment and physical (recover from injuries) and occupational (develop ways to overcome physical disabilities in work and at home) therapy equipment for physical and occupational therapists to have a role in the physical health portion in these aid churches.  Helping people recover from accidents and for dealing with disabilities is something that can be expensive, but if a priest does it for free, then more people will have access.  The physical health field is wide and even includes studying the movement of the body to aid people in knowing how to prevent injuries to themselves.  Disease prevention and learning how to use medication properly will also be something that is key.  These priests, once they obtain the knowledge and gain the experience needed will be able to pass that knowledge on to their patients and parishioners in the form of free education. As such, the church can become a pseudo college or licensing course for people interested in these fields like yoga instructor, fitness instructor or nutritionist.  Seminars for learning first aid and CPR can also be provided.  All of it dealing with people's physical health and teaching and working with them to maintain that health.

Conclusion:  Like with the previous mental health portion, the biggest issue primarily is educating these priests or rabbi/imam as the case may be.  However it is still free health care by people who give of themselves more than they take.  Priests and their counterparts in other faiths are meant to be teachers, and expanding that to being healers only makes logical sense.  Churches are seeing less and less people because they do not stand for anything, they do not take on the issues, but at least they can still do some good by helping to become a network of people who help people both mentally and physically while they work out what they stand for.  See you tomorrow for part three of this concept, the actual funding for this idea to get it off the ground and how we can work to make health care truly free.

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