Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Issue 735 Church Of Atheism: Sexuality January 6, 2016

So under Atheism, rules about normal sexuality begin to fall apart.  As such, what would the sexual culture look like without religion?  Let us discuss.

Sex and Atheism:  In atheism (or at least true atheism where judgments and societal stigmas have disappeared as atheists believe that without religion discrimination of peoples would not exist) a person can be any gender, sex, or gender identity.  Issues of people of different races and ages (age of consent would probably be pushed to the lowest possible), having sexual relations would potentially disappear.  So a 40 year old can get it on with a 19 year old or even a 17 year old and there would not be a problem.  Sexual relations between people of the same sex or genders would not be frowned upon.  Even fetishes would be accepted to a degree based on agreed upon societal norms if any with respect to sex.  Truth be told, sex under atheism would resemble that of ancient Greece and Rome where you can pretty much have sex with anyone you want. Even sex for money or some other form of gain would be allowed if society is willing to accept it.  As such, society would be the decider of what is an acceptable sex practice assuming that society even cares about what you do in the bedroom.

Gender roles will also disappear, with men and women's clothes becoming interchangeable.  As such a man can wear a skirt, a woman can bare their chest, or you can be dressed in a diaper for all people care.  In true atheism, there is no gender either. So there is complete sexual freedom and with that gender identity freedom and the way you express that gender and sexuality as well (yes you can even go nude too).  The idea here is that love becomes just that, "LOVE" and nothing else.  No religion (which set the rules of marriage) or even to an extent governmental rules (derived from religious rules) deciding who can love who.  In this instance, there is no marriage either as marriage is a religious institution.  As such couplings (I do not have a better word for it) become the norm.  A coupling is when two people come together who are in love and then agree to be mutually exclusive with one another or this can even be between multiple people as well with respect to people who love more than one single person.  These couplings can also be formed so as to raise children (adopted or naturally born).  Essentially it is a completely new dynamic with respect to relationships, whereas divorce no longer exists and people can simply say they do not love each other anymore and just up and leave their now former significant other behind.  

Conclusion:  With complete and total sexual freedom and also gender and personal identity, people can love people any way they want.  From paternal, and platonic to full on sex addicts and fetishes, all become acceptable (potentially even relations between blood relatives if no rules are set).  Well this is my view on it if we get pure atheism and lose the values imparted to us through religion (I am and will always be Catholic).  I am not really complaining either, as I believe in pure love myself, I just think we need some rules here with respect to blood relatives and children under a certain age (these rules were originally established via religion).  Overall, this sexual freedom fits with libertarianism, but people just need to be ready for it.

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