Monday, January 25, 2016

New Hampshire Primary

So I was able to watch a little bit of the New Hampshire primaries Saturday where a number of the Republican candidates were able to participate in a town hall set up.  Here is my reaction.

I will have to say that the Republican field is very decent with respect to personal and economic freedoms (though they do not go as far as I'd like).  However I heard good things like regulation reforms, tax reforms and more.  However, none have really impressed me (from the ones I got to listen too) overall.  Though I can say that Jeb Bush probably did the best in the town halls (from those I got to listen too) and showed why he is a really decent candidate for President.  If it weren't for the fact that his last name was Bush and people are sick of dynasty Presidencies, he would probably be a frontrunner right now.  I was also impressed with Carly Fiorina where she willing answered every tough question and seemed to want them so that she could show that she could take it and also to be honest about her views including the legalization of drugs.  I also heard from a speaker from Pennsylvania I believe, but as far as I know he is not running despite having a lot to say on trade reform and fixing the Bureaucracy.  My dad was able to see Rubio and Christie and he liked them both and what they had to say, but I cannot comment beyond that for I did not see them.

Trump and Cruz were both absent from the Primary instead doing their own thing.   In this case Cruz accepted an endorsement from Glenn Beck, the spiritual leader of the Tea Party and the Owner of the Blaze network.  I was able to watch that live and needless to say Glenn Beck's intro was strong.  Cruz followed up with his acceptance of the endorsement by discussing how he was going to be a true conservative even on the campaign trail if he gets the nomination.  His reasoning was that everyone is conservative during the nomination process, but goes moderate in the general election.  Cruz promised not to do that and be real all the way through to the end.

Sadly I was not able to hear a literal peep out of Trump.  He did not receive coverage or I potentially missed him from the point I turned on the TV.  

Now we wait to see if anything these Candidates said will impact the upcoming debate on Fox News this Thursday.

Hope you enjoyed the snow storm (well I sure did cause it kept me in the house long enough to watch the primaries, something I did so yall don't have to lol).  See you all tomorrow.

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