Thursday, January 14, 2016

Republican Response to President Obama

It has kind of become tradition where the opposing party puts up someone to do an opposing speech to follow a President's State of the Union address.  In this case it is Republican Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina.  Here is a rundown of what she said.

Starting off, she says basically that President Obama did not do as well as President as he claimed he did.  She cited the 18 trillion dollars in debt, shortages of doctors and that ISIS/ISIL and similar are a major threat implying that Obama is simply playing such threats down.  I tend to agree on these issues because the debt is so high that it can actually cause an economic collapse, and the issues with doctor shortages and other problems in the health industry are due partially as a result of Obama Care (the affordable care act).  Of course if you are a regular reader, you know already what I think of ISIS/ISIL.  Haley also addressed success made in her State and the tragedy and people's reactions to the Charleston Church shootings

In the next part, Governor Haley says Republicans are partially to blame for all the problems the government has caused.  Also she stated that she and fellow republicans know that the people are frustrated with government, its broken promises and the country's direction.

Next she addressed the immigration issue and the refugee issue at the same time.  She said that the country must not shut its doors, but it cannot accept refugees from Syria (due to the security concerns).  She did say that illegal immigration must cease and that legal immigration must take place without discrimination on religion.  Basically, if you want a person from Syria, then they have to become an official U.S. citizen and go through the normal process (at least that is what I got out of it).

Finally she said that with the coming elections Republicans will address a number of issues.  Those issues are lowering taxes, deregulation and tackling the debt all to improve the economy.  There will be education reform that will eschew the government and its interference and instead be built around parents, students and teachers.  Our military will be strengthened, Obama Care will end and the separation of powers as outlined by the Constitution will be respected (i.e. the use of executive orders by the President, potentially overreach by government agencies and possibly the legislating from the bench by the Supreme Court).  Finally, both the second amendment (right to bear arms) and the 10th (State's rights) will also be honored.

Final thought:  That is the speech in a nutshell.  If you are a Republican, or Conservative, then you really liked the speech (especially as Haley is a contender for the Republican vice Presidential spot).  For me as a libertarian though, the good part was the State's rights, 2nd amendment stuff and the part on restoring the separation of powers in government.  Everything else I just thought to myself, ok, how are the Republicans going to do any of this with a guy like Donald Trump if he gets the nomination.  As a matter of fact how will they get any of this accomplished period?  But that is me as a libertarian speaking.  Anyway, it was an ok speech that is suitable for an election year, I just hope that if the Republicans win, they can keep the promises they made here.

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