Monday, June 20, 2016


By now most of the world knows the name Harambe.  The silver back gorilla Harambe was shot and killed because it was perceived that it was a danger to a child that had fallen into Harambes enclosure.  I have seen multiple videos on what occurred (all were edited) and this is my opinion on the matter.

For one, that child should never have been able to fall into the enclosure to begin with.  I do not understand how a modern zoo enclosure is capable of being penetrated by a child.  I do not entirely leave the parent of the child blameless in this as any parent has looked away only briefly to find their kid doing something they are not supposed to do.  However it is obvious to me we have a zoo enclosure problem.

Now as to what happened after when the child had fallen in.  I am not the zoo keepers.  I do not know how that gorilla reacts to various stimulus let alone a crowd making a lot of noise and panic after a child falls into a silver back gorilla enclosure.  I have seen video of the gorilla agitated and also calm in the videos I watched.  As such the zoo keepers get the benefit of the doubt with respect to do, and thus unfortunately made the right decision.  

Final Thought:  We now have activists calling for the complete shutdown of zoos and some more moderate people calling for gorillas in general to be released back into the wild.  Zoos however serve a purpose.  They are designed (at least currently) to support awareness and money for programs for conservation, studying animals in ways that cannot be done in the wild, and even act as endangered species breeding centers.  We need zoos, and enclosures can be designed in ways that maximize space for the animals to mimic their natural environment and habits, while at the same time keeping the general public out of the enclosure itself and thus ensuring the safety of both the animals and the people visiting.  For animals that are too old or need freedom, a preserve can be set up to protect them.  Harambes death does not have to be in vain.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Soft Targets

I have discussed this topic before, but the terror attack in Orlando Florida makes it one that has to be revisited again, and most likely again in the future.  

A soft target is any place that can be attacked that is not able to defend itself.  This means Baseball games, schools, and even nightclubs are all targets.  These places can have security, but they cannot fend off a determined armed assault like with the case of the attacks in Paris and the night club in Orlando.  Terrorists generally will not target police stations and military facilities as they can defend themselves (though there are exceptions like the Fort Hood Shooting).  So we need to harden the soft targets to protect them.  This means police acting as armed security in addition to hired security with police reacting to violent situations that regular security cannot handle.  Bomb proofing walls, windows and doors and making them bullet resistant also helps.  However, these options are also expensive, thus relegating them to stadiums and schools where mass public gatherings are common place with towns and cities having the budgets to provide such security.  But this still leaves places like the public pool during summer, poorer neighborhood schools and dance clubs and popular bars and hangouts vulnerable.  As such, intelligence gathering comes into play.  Basically, if the terrorists are planning something it is up to our police, the military, CIA and other intelligence agencies to share any and all information.  This information takes advantage of terrorists leaving "breadcrumbs" or a "trail" to follow which allows the police to stop the attack before it starts.  Thus the smaller and/or poorer soft targets become defended to a degree.  

Despite all this the soft targets and even hard targets are still vulnerable to a particular type of attack.  That attack type is the one by the "Lone Gunman".  A single person or a tight close knit group who plan the attack independently of the enemy's leadership and act exclusively on his or her own.  An example of this is the Fort Hood shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing and the Orlando Night club shooting.  Our enemies in this case are self-radicalized Islamic terrorists who fall in love with the Jihad death cult mentality.  To defeat this group, you must attack the radical ideology along with ISIS/ISIL and its sister radical organizations who purport this death cult.  Basically make them look as toxic to be in as they really are or worse so that no one would be willing to join them.  So while it will not stop the currently radicalized individuals, it will aid to stop the future ones.

Final Thought:  It is not going to be easy to win this.  We cannot simply carpet bomb our way out or use drones to kill the enemy in retaliation when it is the words of the enemy that are turning our own neighbors into monsters.  If we do not re-evaluate our defensive structure to compensate for all possibilities, share information and cooperate to dismantle this ideology that is on par with the NAZIs and the Soviet Communists, then all will be lost.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Political correctness and Islam

I will state this for the record, Muslims are not evil and Islam is not a violent religion.  However, Islamic terrorists who pervert Islam, or believe in the ideology of death advocated by a radical version of Jihad are the enemy.  Are they Muslim?  Yes they are.  Are they representative of all Muslims?  Not at all and they never will be.

Why do I state the obvious above?  Simple, because if I say Radical Islam, or similar I would be bashed because people are too stupid (my opinion) to realize I am only talking about the psychos who pervert the Islamic faith.  A faith that some of my closest friends share.  But the Islam my friends worship and the Islam these radical monsters worship is not the same and I cannot stress that enough.  However, political correctness tries to silence people who criticize the evil Jihadist Muslims because people cannot see the difference in criticizing the evil Islam and the real one that would not commit such acts as the Boston Marathon bombing or the recent attack in Orlando Florida.  As such politicians refuse to act to tackle the dismantling of the radical elements of the Islamic faith that supports ISIS/ISIL.  They do not want to be politically incorrect or feel like they are isolating one of the largest faiths that exists in the world next to Christianity.  Basically they are afraid to speak or be criticized and fear being called a hate monger which would tarnish their "careers".  

If we could attack this perverted version of Islam we would be stating that it advocates killing your own family if they do not agree with the cause.  That it wants to enslave women as sex slaves and advocates other forms of slavery.  It wants to kill all who are not Muslim unless they convert or are enslaved.  We should say how these terrorists want to make their own mothers into tools for men to rape at will.  How their sisters will be married to men 30 to 50 years older than them to be raped nightly.  Or should I mention that the Jihadists kill babies and young children.  That's right, they are baby killers.  These Islamic terrorist, who pervert the real Islam, commit act of mass murder.  They must be trounced. 

Final thought:  Crush the Islamists who pervert the real Islam.  Defeat their ideology by saying the truth.  That they are monsters who take a religion of peace and use it as a means to recruit mass murderers.  It is time to fight not just with arms and intelligence gathering, but a campaign of words to say why these monsters are who they are.  Show the world their brutality and then crush them without mercy.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Justice for Orlando

This weekend there was an attack on a Florida nightclub.  That attack was carried out by Omar Mateen who had pledged himself to Jihad and the ISIS/ISIL cause.  His targets at that nightclub where gays, and other members of the LGBT community.

Some facts that are still being verified by the news are:

1) He was trained as a security guard who possibly provided guard duty to Fort Pierce.

2) He legally owned a firearm, passing all background checks.  The weapons he used were a rifle and a pistol.  He also may have had bombs strapped to himself and his car.

3) He himself called 911 to pledge himself to ISIS/ISIL before taking action to carry out his evil.

4) The LGBT community was targeted because under Islam such sexual conduct is considered perverse and routinely in the Middle East and Africa, members of the LGBT community are killed by intolerant Muslims, especially those committed to the Jihad.

5) This is a domestic act of Islamic Terror and a Hate crime.

Final Thought:  This man was investigated multiple times by the FBI and could not be tied with any conclusive evidence to ISIS/ISIL or any other Islamic group.  The FBI did not fail though, as Mateen was the lone gunman.  A self-radicalized member of ISIS/ISIL.  And now, because of political correctness which prevents us from usurping the perverted version of Islam that these Jihadi’s follow, over 50 people (and possible more to come) are dead.  Those 50 people should have never have died by the hands of this hateful monster.  So pray for the victims and their families.  Pray that we do the right thing so that we can do what we can to prevent it from happening again.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Pray for Orlando

This weekend the LGBT community was targeted by a terrorist attack.  The attacker a self-radicalized member of ISIS/ISIL.  Now 50 people with possibly more to come are dead.  These people did not deserve this.  They should have never have died the way they did in this hateful malignant violence.

So I say prey for the dead, their families and those who are struggling to survive their injuries in the hospital.  Pray with all your might.

Pray for Orlando

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Gods other children: Demons (Djinn)

Did you know that in the Koran that God also created the Djinn (demons in western lore)?  Yep, God created them too.  The order of creation was the angels, then the djinn and then man.  However, many people don't know about this or have considered the role of the djinn in our spiritual world (at least that is how I see it).  So who are the Djinn?

Djinn or in the western world demons are beings made of fire and gas.  It is kind of like how man was made from clay and ash, while angels were made of light and warmth.  According to Islamic tradition, these creatures are generally invisible to the naked eye.  They fade in and out of view due to their composition.  They take on the roles of nature spirits and of antagonists to man.  In short they help balance nature and also to test mankind.  As such they are generally neutral or dangerous to mankind (hence stories of possession and afflictions by demons).  Needless to say as beings created second by God, they see themselves as superior to man.  They are equally however capable of great good or evil like mankind.  So you could say they were the prototypes to man as well.  Interestingly King Solomon in the Bible was able to use holy scriptures and spells (yes those things existed back then in Judaism) to control and manipulate the djinn.  

Like the tribes of Israel, the djinn are organized into twelve tribes of their own and with a possible thirteenth tribe existing.  The tribes are organized based on each types of djinn's nature and what they are capable of.  Of course Christianity expanded on this and created an organization of demons of the underworld where there are 72 legions each led by some sort of demonic king or earl as the ranks follow the same kind of royal ranking systems of medieval Europe (books were written about it in that time after all).  Nowadays we usually just lump them together under Satan or Lucifer or even call them all devils.  

Final thought:  We forget that God is supposed to come first and that God created everything.  So to test us, to mold us as we evolve as human beings it is no stretch that God created the djinn (demons).  It also becomes more complex if we include the creatures of other countries outside of the Middle East and Europe to the mix like the Indian Rakasha and Japan's Nui.  Already some cryptozoologists are trying to integrate and categorize these creatures in a religious format especially Japans cryptozoologists as they have already placed things like Vampires and Werewolves into their own classification system for their demons, the Yokai.  Needless to say I find it all interesting and fun to learn about.  So this is me just sharing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Lucifer Vs Satan.

So Lucifer and Satan are not the same angel.  Yes they are both angels who fell, but are not the same.  Yesterday we told the background of Lucifer, so today for clarity and hopefully an interesting article, we will tell the backstory of Satan.   Satan's story starts similarly to Lucifer’s.  He is jealous of God's love for his new creation Adam.  But instead of rebelling by trying to corrupt his fellow angels, he instead speaks out in defiance in front of everyone.  Satan wants to know why Adam and humanity are more perfect than him and the other angels.  God says that they are the closest of his creations that resemble his image.  Basically, mankind is closest to God in shear terms of looks and perhaps even mentally as well (angels are pure, and thus are more corruptible than man).  So God says for him to prove it and gives Satan a job for which he is motivated for.  As such, Satan is to tempt man into disobeying God.  That is Satan's job.  He goes around testing our faith, trying to make us falter in our faith and do things that are against God's will.  Hence when Muslims pray, they do it shoulder to shoulder believing that they can keep Satan at bay by not giving him the room to whisper in their ears.

So who actually sits on the throne of hell?  It is most likely Lucifer as he would be pleased to oversee the punishment of those who disobey God.  Satan's job tempts man, while Lucifer brings about divine punishment in the afterlife as part of his redemption.  It can be inferred that these angels both in their dislike for man became the perfect vessels for God to test those who come the closest to being God (us mankind).  You see, no matter what, God loves all that he created, so giving them all a second chance is not out of the realm of possibility (hence why I believe God could allow for and instigate instances of reincarnation for the soul and spirit to redeem themselves).  God gave Lucifer a second chance (along with his followers) to put fear into the hearts of man.  Basically, Lucifer punishes sinners for betraying God's expectations.   So you could even say that Lucifer hates man even more for betraying God by sinning in the first place (we are closest to God due to our being made in God's image after all.) 

Final Thought:  I think personally both angels are fully motivated to do their best to tempt and to punish man for our insurrections (Lucifer is burning us in hell fire after all to make us become redemptive).  Though I think this hatred is less hate and more sibling rivalry or even the desire for power.  I mean, what older sibling does not get jealous of the attention the younger sibling gets.  In fact if you apparently read the Hebrew text of the Torah, when Gods name is written, it stands for parent and then changes throughout the course of the text to mean different things.  So you could say that big bad Lucifer and Satan are our much older angelic bad boy brothers (or sisters as angels are not supposed to have a biological sex), who try to aid God (Big Daddy) by teaching and disciplining their younger siblings (us).  To do so they try to tempt people away from believing in God.  Or at least, this is what I am getting from what I have learned.  Yea, they are jealous, and maybe even resentful, but in the end they perform a very important duty by tempting us, and burning our sins away in hell fire.  That duty is to reinforce our mental fortitude, our faith, and our inner spirit as we become worthy to stand before God.