Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Lucifer Vs Satan.

So Lucifer and Satan are not the same angel.  Yes they are both angels who fell, but are not the same.  Yesterday we told the background of Lucifer, so today for clarity and hopefully an interesting article, we will tell the backstory of Satan.   Satan's story starts similarly to Lucifer’s.  He is jealous of God's love for his new creation Adam.  But instead of rebelling by trying to corrupt his fellow angels, he instead speaks out in defiance in front of everyone.  Satan wants to know why Adam and humanity are more perfect than him and the other angels.  God says that they are the closest of his creations that resemble his image.  Basically, mankind is closest to God in shear terms of looks and perhaps even mentally as well (angels are pure, and thus are more corruptible than man).  So God says for him to prove it and gives Satan a job for which he is motivated for.  As such, Satan is to tempt man into disobeying God.  That is Satan's job.  He goes around testing our faith, trying to make us falter in our faith and do things that are against God's will.  Hence when Muslims pray, they do it shoulder to shoulder believing that they can keep Satan at bay by not giving him the room to whisper in their ears.

So who actually sits on the throne of hell?  It is most likely Lucifer as he would be pleased to oversee the punishment of those who disobey God.  Satan's job tempts man, while Lucifer brings about divine punishment in the afterlife as part of his redemption.  It can be inferred that these angels both in their dislike for man became the perfect vessels for God to test those who come the closest to being God (us mankind).  You see, no matter what, God loves all that he created, so giving them all a second chance is not out of the realm of possibility (hence why I believe God could allow for and instigate instances of reincarnation for the soul and spirit to redeem themselves).  God gave Lucifer a second chance (along with his followers) to put fear into the hearts of man.  Basically, Lucifer punishes sinners for betraying God's expectations.   So you could even say that Lucifer hates man even more for betraying God by sinning in the first place (we are closest to God due to our being made in God's image after all.) 

Final Thought:  I think personally both angels are fully motivated to do their best to tempt and to punish man for our insurrections (Lucifer is burning us in hell fire after all to make us become redemptive).  Though I think this hatred is less hate and more sibling rivalry or even the desire for power.  I mean, what older sibling does not get jealous of the attention the younger sibling gets.  In fact if you apparently read the Hebrew text of the Torah, when Gods name is written, it stands for parent and then changes throughout the course of the text to mean different things.  So you could say that big bad Lucifer and Satan are our much older angelic bad boy brothers (or sisters as angels are not supposed to have a biological sex), who try to aid God (Big Daddy) by teaching and disciplining their younger siblings (us).  To do so they try to tempt people away from believing in God.  Or at least, this is what I am getting from what I have learned.  Yea, they are jealous, and maybe even resentful, but in the end they perform a very important duty by tempting us, and burning our sins away in hell fire.  That duty is to reinforce our mental fortitude, our faith, and our inner spirit as we become worthy to stand before God.

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