Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Justice for Orlando

This weekend there was an attack on a Florida nightclub.  That attack was carried out by Omar Mateen who had pledged himself to Jihad and the ISIS/ISIL cause.  His targets at that nightclub where gays, and other members of the LGBT community.

Some facts that are still being verified by the news are:

1) He was trained as a security guard who possibly provided guard duty to Fort Pierce.

2) He legally owned a firearm, passing all background checks.  The weapons he used were a rifle and a pistol.  He also may have had bombs strapped to himself and his car.

3) He himself called 911 to pledge himself to ISIS/ISIL before taking action to carry out his evil.

4) The LGBT community was targeted because under Islam such sexual conduct is considered perverse and routinely in the Middle East and Africa, members of the LGBT community are killed by intolerant Muslims, especially those committed to the Jihad.

5) This is a domestic act of Islamic Terror and a Hate crime.

Final Thought:  This man was investigated multiple times by the FBI and could not be tied with any conclusive evidence to ISIS/ISIL or any other Islamic group.  The FBI did not fail though, as Mateen was the lone gunman.  A self-radicalized member of ISIS/ISIL.  And now, because of political correctness which prevents us from usurping the perverted version of Islam that these Jihadi’s follow, over 50 people (and possible more to come) are dead.  Those 50 people should have never have died by the hands of this hateful monster.  So pray for the victims and their families.  Pray that we do the right thing so that we can do what we can to prevent it from happening again.

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