Thursday, June 9, 2016

Gods other children: Demons (Djinn)

Did you know that in the Koran that God also created the Djinn (demons in western lore)?  Yep, God created them too.  The order of creation was the angels, then the djinn and then man.  However, many people don't know about this or have considered the role of the djinn in our spiritual world (at least that is how I see it).  So who are the Djinn?

Djinn or in the western world demons are beings made of fire and gas.  It is kind of like how man was made from clay and ash, while angels were made of light and warmth.  According to Islamic tradition, these creatures are generally invisible to the naked eye.  They fade in and out of view due to their composition.  They take on the roles of nature spirits and of antagonists to man.  In short they help balance nature and also to test mankind.  As such they are generally neutral or dangerous to mankind (hence stories of possession and afflictions by demons).  Needless to say as beings created second by God, they see themselves as superior to man.  They are equally however capable of great good or evil like mankind.  So you could say they were the prototypes to man as well.  Interestingly King Solomon in the Bible was able to use holy scriptures and spells (yes those things existed back then in Judaism) to control and manipulate the djinn.  

Like the tribes of Israel, the djinn are organized into twelve tribes of their own and with a possible thirteenth tribe existing.  The tribes are organized based on each types of djinn's nature and what they are capable of.  Of course Christianity expanded on this and created an organization of demons of the underworld where there are 72 legions each led by some sort of demonic king or earl as the ranks follow the same kind of royal ranking systems of medieval Europe (books were written about it in that time after all).  Nowadays we usually just lump them together under Satan or Lucifer or even call them all devils.  

Final thought:  We forget that God is supposed to come first and that God created everything.  So to test us, to mold us as we evolve as human beings it is no stretch that God created the djinn (demons).  It also becomes more complex if we include the creatures of other countries outside of the Middle East and Europe to the mix like the Indian Rakasha and Japan's Nui.  Already some cryptozoologists are trying to integrate and categorize these creatures in a religious format especially Japans cryptozoologists as they have already placed things like Vampires and Werewolves into their own classification system for their demons, the Yokai.  Needless to say I find it all interesting and fun to learn about.  So this is me just sharing.

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