Thursday, April 28, 2016

Being Respectful Rant

People are treating other people like dirt.  They show zero respect towards others or they have lost what it means to treat others with respect.  So now, why am I complaining?

The reason I bring this up is due to the fact that we seem to be losing the value of the very word "respect".  People think it is either earned, or should just be given.  Truth is it is both as there are varying levels of respect.  In this case I am speaking about basic respect which builds into greater levels of respect.  This means do not pick up your phone while you are in the middle of talking to someone.  You do not look at a person's (woman’s) chest when talking to them (ladies look away from the crotch, yea, you're just as guilty).  Look at the person you are talking to in the eye, and talk to them, not away from them while texting on the phone.  Also, you do not need to automatically grab your phone when you get some stupid cell phone notification, as it will still be there once we are done speaking (or me ringing you up for your medication).  There are no cat calls/whistling when ladies go past, no cutting people in lines, no yelling because we are trying to get your drug, product, or whatever done right the first time.  Do not talk over others, and only interrupt only when absolutely necessary.  Not anyone is more special than another and thus we are all equal.  Yes we are both special and equal at the same time as there is no equality when it comes to talents, knowledge and skills.  Maybe I have just worked in a pharmacy for too long but people are real animals.  We try to help people, bill their crappy insurance or government provided plan (which usually is worse) and we still get yelled at because people don't care about what we do in the pharmacy.  People do not give a damn about the amount of work that is done in the grocery store, the teacher at the school, the doctor, the nurse, and more.  It is like we cannot empathize with each other anymore and forget to treat one another as "PEOPLE".

Conclusion:  Maybe I am just ranting, but I grew up with stories in the Bible with Jesus teaching others to treat others as their brothers and sisters.  I had movies like "Pay it Forward" about a real kid who passed away, but started a movement where you do three nice things for three different people with them doing the same so that it would reverberate within the country.   My mother and father taught me responsibility to help not only myself and be a good worker, but aid my family members who were in trouble, and even perfect strangers if the opportunity arose.   I have looked at other faiths and read and watched amazing stories about doing the right thing.  Every single one of those faiths, movies, and books had the same message.  Yet we still have a bunch of dingle berries for brains running around acting all high and mighty, and then flip out when they do not get there way.  I am kind and responsive to others because I want to be a better person and I want to be treated in the same way in return, but I do not have to nice what so ever if it suits my fancy.  Forever and always, I will treat others with respect by looking them in the eye when I speak to them, and I will focus my attention on them.  Everything else can wait.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Trump wins again!!!

Donald Trump has just won another five State primaries last night: Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Delaware and Maryland.  Trump has 950 delegates and only needs 1,237 to win it all to be the nominee.  There are 650 delegates left so this is 100 percent feasible.  But why is Trump sweeping when Cruz was doing so well. 

In my opinion the non-aggression pact made between John Kasich and Ted Cruz is a big part of it.  Reason being is that people want to value their vote and the idea that each and every one of those votes count for something.  However, the pact between Cruz and Kasich to usurp Trump and the majority of the voters in the Republican made them look like two guys trying to usurp the people's choice.  Hence Trump got more votes. 

Also, Trump is a populist and has harnessed all the frustrations that the people of the nation are feeling.  As such he has a swath of supporters who believe that he feels as they do and is listening to them (politicians in D.C. have a reputation for not being good listeners). With respect to immigration, the economy and jobs, Trump looks like the guy who will finally take on those issues once he steps into the White House for he is the only candidate who has actually run a business.  He even has new advisors and this is showing as his rhetoric is becoming clearer, concise and he is looking to make his promises come true.  

Conclusion:  Trump wants to win this.  He has the momentum and the strength to keep going despite the negative press on his character (something we should pay attention to).  The man is even telling Bernie to run third party so that both of them can stick it to the establishment and party leaders who tried, and are succeeding in the case of Bernie, of trying to snuff out Trump and Bernie in these elections.  Basically it is a revenge play as if Bernie runs, then Hillary loses votes thus guaranteeing victory in the general election for Donald Trump!  Trump has a strategy and it reminds me of a board room deal.  I'm a Cruz guy still, but Trump has got the gall and the wealth to fight his way to the White House.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A,B,C, voting

This is a method of voting for elected positions and referendums where you select your top three choices in order of importance.  I call it A, B, C voting.

How it works:  Let us use Presidential elections as an example to make this method of voting easy to understand.  In this case you pick your number one candidate Ted Cruz, followed by your number two candidate John Kasich, and then your number three candidate Donald Trump.  Now only the first set of votes, people's top choices, are counted first where if a candidate receives the majority vote then they win just like normal (yes I know about the electoral college, but this is an example).  If no candidate receives the 50% plus one majority, then peoples secondary choices are added to the votes in the hopes of getting a candidate to the 50% plus one mark and greater.  If two candidates get more than the 50% plus one vote then the one with the most in this case wins, but if not then the third choice candidate votes are added in.  At this point all candidates should have beyond a 50% plus one vote count and the person with the most votes becomes the winner and they are seen as being the people's overall top choice with respect to people coming to a consensus. Basically everything is designed to get a majority vote with every individual person getting three votes with them not being allowed to vote for the same person twice. 

Conclusion:  No one wants a candidate who did not achieve less than 50% of the vote let alone just edging out that 50% with the population of voters disliking that chosen candidate.  As such this system was proposed by some New York State Congressman whose name I don't remember and is the reason why I don't remember the original name of this voting method.  So why did I even bring this method up?  Reason being that this method can be used in political primaries or even large scale elections to ensure that candidates achieve the plurality with voters to gain legitimacy with respect to being the people's elected representative.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Microsoft Sues the DOJ

Microsoft is currently suing the Department of Justice (DOJ) in the wake of the Apple lawsuit against the government.  The reason being is that they want to inform people that they were spied upon by the federal government.  And now some of you are saying "what the hell is this about?"  Well, allow me to explain.

As stated, Microsoft is suing the DOJ due to them wanting to inform people who were spied upon that they, were, well, spied upon.  Basically when the government gets a warrant to spy on a Microsoft customers computer, Microsoft will not say no, but instead tell their customer that "hey, the government is watching".  Now is this bad?  Well, yea it is especially if the customer happens to be a terrorist, an enemy spy, a murderer, or person who deals in sex slaves in general. As such the person may take steps to get away or to carry out their plot all that much faster with suitable precautions. Basically, this surveillance is crucial to the government forming a case to getting a warrant for arrest against the suspect and ultimately stopping them. 

Conclusion:   Know I can understand that telling a person that they were spied on after the case is shut or it no longer poses a threat to the case as a whole, but the news report I heard ("Outnumbered" on Fox) made it out like Microsoft wants to do this out right once the warrant has been issued.  If so then this is a dangerous situation that I hope the courts can bring sanity too.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bernie Sander's: Feasibility

Bernie Sander's has promised to do two things that probably will not happen.  Those two things are the breakup of the Big Banks and the tax increases that would be imposed to cover universal health care amongst other things.  Here are the reasons why.

Big Bank Breakup:  Under the law a bank or even a business for that matter cannot be broken up unless it is either a monopoly or it poses a severe threat to the economy.  However our banks like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and the other banks on Wall Street pose no such threat and they are not a monopoly.  Therefore the courts that oversea bank breakups would deny a president Sander's the ability to do anything to the Wall Street banks.

Tax increases:  Here the Republicans, as long as they hold a majority, and some Democrats would block the tax increases that would be used to cover the costs of a universal health care system.  Basically, Bernie would have to have a Democrat controlled House of Representatives and Senate to even hope to get any tax increases passed and even then I am skeptical about how those tax increases would pay for a new universal health system as our population is significantly larger than any other countries in the world that already has the single payer model.

Conclusion:  Like Trump, Bernie Sander's will not get what he wants passed assuming he wins.  As such people should not be surprised when his promises fall short.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Post New York Primaries

So as a poll inspector I will say I am pleasantly surprised at the turn out.  Usually I sit there at the polls and can read three books the size of Le Miserables on the taxpayers’ dime, but thanks to the Bernie and Trump supporters people actually came to vote.  So pat yourselves on the back lads and ladies.

Now as to results.  I personally thought Bernie would have won in New York, but Hillary beat him out.  I heard a rumor that something like 16,000 to 25,000 people were ineligible to vote in one particular area, but that seems to be just that.  A rumor.  Needless to say, it was a fight that was well won by Hillary (even though I wanted Bernie to beat the pants off of her).

I knew Cruz would lose New York.  He is a very conservative guy running in a liberal State and people still have that comment on New York "values" on their minds.  Kasich of course, with Cruz being unpopular in New York, became the anybody but Trump vote candidate.  So his coming in second really means nothing in my opinion and the news really said nothing about him.  Trump overall is the big winner obviously as he took nearly all the delegates and is another step closer to the nomination.  The people who are running his campaign and helping him to be more Presidential really are doing a good job with respect to overall image, and he deserved to win (especially as New York is his home State which certainly helped).

Conclusion:  The fight unfortunately is not over.  Bernie Sanders will fight all the way to the end which may split his party and Trump, Cruz and Kasich look set to eventually go to the Convention where Kasich will likely, if things stay the same, be pushed out of the running completely.  This is going to be a very interesting election year and I look forward to an exhausting November election where I earn my pay check making sure each and every voter in my election district gets their votes counted.  I may not agree with the turn out, but hell, your vote is your voice and I will defend it with glee.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

New York Primaries

I cannot stress enough that everyone in New York should come out and vote today in the Primaries.   We have a decision to make that could affect the future of this country.  Democrats have to choose between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, while Republicans must choose between John Kasich, Ted Cruz and of course Donald Trump.  

This will not be an easy election and from my standpoint as it is the most drawn out and most complicated election with respect to people figuring out who they want and why.  But again, as many people save the diehard party members and senior citizens typically forget how important a political primary vote is. 

If you are not satisfied with the current election situation or want a particular candidate to have a better chance since you feel they would make a better President, then please vote.  So many people do not vote in these Primaries (like over half the people in my area who are eligible at minimum), and I have seen that first hand as someone who works the polls every election season.   

So come out and vote as New York, we got a decision to make.  

(Note: The Bernie Sanders issue on his policy feasibility will be delayed till Thursday).