Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Post New York Primaries

So as a poll inspector I will say I am pleasantly surprised at the turn out.  Usually I sit there at the polls and can read three books the size of Le Miserables on the taxpayers’ dime, but thanks to the Bernie and Trump supporters people actually came to vote.  So pat yourselves on the back lads and ladies.

Now as to results.  I personally thought Bernie would have won in New York, but Hillary beat him out.  I heard a rumor that something like 16,000 to 25,000 people were ineligible to vote in one particular area, but that seems to be just that.  A rumor.  Needless to say, it was a fight that was well won by Hillary (even though I wanted Bernie to beat the pants off of her).

I knew Cruz would lose New York.  He is a very conservative guy running in a liberal State and people still have that comment on New York "values" on their minds.  Kasich of course, with Cruz being unpopular in New York, became the anybody but Trump vote candidate.  So his coming in second really means nothing in my opinion and the news really said nothing about him.  Trump overall is the big winner obviously as he took nearly all the delegates and is another step closer to the nomination.  The people who are running his campaign and helping him to be more Presidential really are doing a good job with respect to overall image, and he deserved to win (especially as New York is his home State which certainly helped).

Conclusion:  The fight unfortunately is not over.  Bernie Sanders will fight all the way to the end which may split his party and Trump, Cruz and Kasich look set to eventually go to the Convention where Kasich will likely, if things stay the same, be pushed out of the running completely.  This is going to be a very interesting election year and I look forward to an exhausting November election where I earn my pay check making sure each and every voter in my election district gets their votes counted.  I may not agree with the turn out, but hell, your vote is your voice and I will defend it with glee.

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