Thursday, April 28, 2016

Being Respectful Rant

People are treating other people like dirt.  They show zero respect towards others or they have lost what it means to treat others with respect.  So now, why am I complaining?

The reason I bring this up is due to the fact that we seem to be losing the value of the very word "respect".  People think it is either earned, or should just be given.  Truth is it is both as there are varying levels of respect.  In this case I am speaking about basic respect which builds into greater levels of respect.  This means do not pick up your phone while you are in the middle of talking to someone.  You do not look at a person's (woman’s) chest when talking to them (ladies look away from the crotch, yea, you're just as guilty).  Look at the person you are talking to in the eye, and talk to them, not away from them while texting on the phone.  Also, you do not need to automatically grab your phone when you get some stupid cell phone notification, as it will still be there once we are done speaking (or me ringing you up for your medication).  There are no cat calls/whistling when ladies go past, no cutting people in lines, no yelling because we are trying to get your drug, product, or whatever done right the first time.  Do not talk over others, and only interrupt only when absolutely necessary.  Not anyone is more special than another and thus we are all equal.  Yes we are both special and equal at the same time as there is no equality when it comes to talents, knowledge and skills.  Maybe I have just worked in a pharmacy for too long but people are real animals.  We try to help people, bill their crappy insurance or government provided plan (which usually is worse) and we still get yelled at because people don't care about what we do in the pharmacy.  People do not give a damn about the amount of work that is done in the grocery store, the teacher at the school, the doctor, the nurse, and more.  It is like we cannot empathize with each other anymore and forget to treat one another as "PEOPLE".

Conclusion:  Maybe I am just ranting, but I grew up with stories in the Bible with Jesus teaching others to treat others as their brothers and sisters.  I had movies like "Pay it Forward" about a real kid who passed away, but started a movement where you do three nice things for three different people with them doing the same so that it would reverberate within the country.   My mother and father taught me responsibility to help not only myself and be a good worker, but aid my family members who were in trouble, and even perfect strangers if the opportunity arose.   I have looked at other faiths and read and watched amazing stories about doing the right thing.  Every single one of those faiths, movies, and books had the same message.  Yet we still have a bunch of dingle berries for brains running around acting all high and mighty, and then flip out when they do not get there way.  I am kind and responsive to others because I want to be a better person and I want to be treated in the same way in return, but I do not have to nice what so ever if it suits my fancy.  Forever and always, I will treat others with respect by looking them in the eye when I speak to them, and I will focus my attention on them.  Everything else can wait.

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