Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bernie Sander's: Feasibility

Bernie Sander's has promised to do two things that probably will not happen.  Those two things are the breakup of the Big Banks and the tax increases that would be imposed to cover universal health care amongst other things.  Here are the reasons why.

Big Bank Breakup:  Under the law a bank or even a business for that matter cannot be broken up unless it is either a monopoly or it poses a severe threat to the economy.  However our banks like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and the other banks on Wall Street pose no such threat and they are not a monopoly.  Therefore the courts that oversea bank breakups would deny a president Sander's the ability to do anything to the Wall Street banks.

Tax increases:  Here the Republicans, as long as they hold a majority, and some Democrats would block the tax increases that would be used to cover the costs of a universal health care system.  Basically, Bernie would have to have a Democrat controlled House of Representatives and Senate to even hope to get any tax increases passed and even then I am skeptical about how those tax increases would pay for a new universal health system as our population is significantly larger than any other countries in the world that already has the single payer model.

Conclusion:  Like Trump, Bernie Sander's will not get what he wants passed assuming he wins.  As such people should not be surprised when his promises fall short.

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