Friday, February 21, 2014

Issue 277 Future of actors/artists February 21, 2014

Yesterday it was all about cinema, but today it is the actors and artists themselves. Here are the trends and my predictions for their future.

Effects artists: With the advent of digital technology many traditional effects and make-up artist lost their jobs in the movie industry. As such, they moved on to alternative businesses where they can make use of their craft. Effects artists have been helping the military recreate battlefields and combat situations to highest possible degree minus death itself. They are also using their craft for shows on Broadway and circuses. Basically live performances are gaining new talent with respect to stage design and execution of their craft. Stunt men and women now fill niche roles in live performances as well. In addition, they may help car safety and other scientists study the effects of car crashes and such on the human body by replicating the disasters in the lab. Make-up artists have Halloween, and the day of the dead celebrations as money makers as they turn ordinary people and Six Flags workers into monsters and ghouls. Let us not forget that they too aid in live performances as they can do the make-up of actors and performers who prefer the stage over film. Basically, the misfortune of the people in cinema has been a boon to all of us and classical performance industry and peoples every day lives.

Actors: With my prediction that film will slowly replace these men and women with digitized avatars they will gravitate back to the stage like Broadway, and similar theaters. Movie houses are struggling, but the traditional stage still stands firm with its actors and story lines. Therefore, the raw talent of these actors and actresses will still be seen on stage, but in a more traditional setting over some movie. Others may gravitate to voice acting as some of the early avatars may be too electronic or emotionless to be useful. With that in mind we may see more actors switch to voice acting as well. Even radio is a place for actors to practice their craft as they can take part in radio dramas like the recent radio theater about Sir Frances Drake the pirate, titled "Under Drakes Flag." So actors will not disappear at all, but merely change where they will show up to light up the stage.

Movie theaters: To stay relevant, movie theaters will need to adapt. Already, some are doing simulcast events for plays, and even business conferences. But this may not be enough. So they will need to adapt to have stage performances as well. I expect to see small rock concerts, and plays being held in the same venue which can easily be converted into a movie theater as well. They even may become auction houses as well for items that can fit through the stage door. All this will make up for that lost revenue from a slowly dying film industry that seems to not quite get it yet.

Conclusion: Just like vinyl records, actors, make-up artists and other movie professionals are here to stay. They will gain niche roles and wow us with their presence once again. Sure we may have a more traditional movie with actors now and again in the same way that we have black and white and silent movies from time to time. But let us face it, the entertainment industry in my opinion is changing for the better as I believe these evolutionary changes will make talent more valuable while at the same time giving the masses even better stories to watch and unfold.

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