Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Issue 279 Created equal February 25, 2014

We are created equal. It does not matter if you think God did it, a bunch of gods, aliens or a spontaneous spark that created life. The fact is that we are born equals. However, life is what removes that equality. Let's discuss.

Created: When we are born, we have no knowledge of the world or anything save for basic survival instincts. We are dependant on others for survival, and are just starting to grasp that we are even alive in the first place. This ignorance of social clicks, race, hatred and even pride and love are what helps keep that equality for a time. You own nothing when you are born for you have no say over your own affairs. As such when sperm hits the egg, you’re created as an equal to everyone else.

Unequal: What makes us unequal are life's circumstances. A person hitting the lottery, a man gains social status, a person commits a crime and goes to jail. Every choice and action determines our value in the world. Artificial things like race, nationality and such can and will cause divisions. Not to mention some negative choices can be turned into positives, while positive ones can be turned into negatives. So after birth, once you begin to learn about the world around you and the circumstances in life that you are born into, you stop being equal and start being an individual.

Return to equality: There is one great equalizer that returns all to equality. That equalizer is death. Just as we are born ignorant which keeps us equal for a time, we just simply die. Death is the only guarantee we have in this life and makes us all return to equality once again as we participate in the cycle of life and death. We cannot escape, with the sole solace being that we can at least try to leave some sort of legacy behind. It cannot be stopped for in death, you cannot take your money and power with you.

Conclusion: That's right, you're born equal, and return to equality in death. If you believe in heaven as I do, prepare yourself as God is the sole ruler there and what God says goes. In death you have no power and in life you acquire power over yourself. These accumulations of power over ones own will is what grants us inequality. As such, while God created us as equals, we have acquired the ability to be unequal, and that inequality being the freedom of choice is freedom itself. Keep rising above what life hands you all.

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