Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Issue 280 No choice but to think February 26, 2014

You thought you had a choice didn't you. Maybe you thought you can just skim by and not even have to work a single brain cell. Sorry buddy, flex them brain cells, cause you got no choice and never did.

You're always thinking: Our brain is a wondrous organ. It operates our entire body and keeps it working for as long as we last. It stores memories and allows us to process information. We take in so much of the world around us and yet we don't even realize the brain is working on our behalf to understand it all. But we are not vegetables. We have to move and feel emotion. Survival is paramount and thus is human interaction. Human interaction breeds conversation and thus you think some more. There is no excuse to be had as you will be forced to think no matter what.

What should you think about?: That's right; I'm asking, what should we all think about. The weather is good for thinking about when to go out based on what outside activities we wish to do. What food to eat based on what your body needs is another. But what about things that are not mundane. Not fun or happy. Things that can make you sad or depressed. These things need to be thought about too. Locking yourself away and thinking just about what you can see hear and feel is not enough. You must think of the things that keep you from being ignorant and thus taken advantage of. You may not like it, but people naturally seek to control and manipulate others. As such, you must counter those acts to control you with deep and purposeful thought.

Power of thought: Dreams are a collection of ideas given form. But all these ideas are thoughts. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not originally want to be a civil rights leader. He was uncomfortable with the "thought" of having so many rely on him and his leadership. But he had no choice but to think. That thought process was on how to lead the civil rights movement to success in uniting the people of all races, colors, and creeds in America. He was forced to think and thus looked to examples like Gandhi and Jesus Christ who also had no choice but to think.

George Washington was forced to think. He had a fiery temper when angered, but it was out of frustration and failure. Washington's thought process went from a British officer, to General of the Continental army and finally (yet reluctantly) as President of the United States. His faith guided his thoughts. Martha his wife guided his thoughts. The future of the nation and what was needed to protect and preserve it were his guide posts in his thought processes. President Washington had no choice but to think.

Conclusion: We have no choice but to think. There is no excuse for ignorance and the bliss that follows for that is tantamount to slavery. It is slavery not to think as then we allow others to make decisions for us in the same manner as a parent to a new born child. Thomas Jefferson said it best when he wrote that letter to his son: "question with boldness, for surely God wants inspired questions over blind faith..." This quote means question everything! Do not be satisfied with the answers that are given, but think on the answers given and the information you have acquired. Thinking is a virtue and a freedom that is impossible to take away. You may question God, any authority, and even your own beliefs for you are meant to. It refreshes and secures yourself from ignorance and protects you from those that would abuse your lack of knowledge. Questioning is thinking, and coming up with life's answers is also thinking. Stop doubting yourself with thoughts of "my ideas mean nothing" for your thoughts hold value to you. You will think and you will not be given a choice in that, but it is up to you to determine what to think and as such what has enough value to think about.

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