Friday, February 28, 2014

Issue 282 Bound by Greed February 28, 2014

Have you heard of a person bound by Greed? We are bound by greed as it is part of the virtue of selfishness. Greed is capable of creating great things in society that can be a positive. But it is all a manner of what you do with it.

Greed: Typically greed is considered a negative, and it can be if it is left uncontrolled. It is neither an emotion nor a vice. It is an inbred fault in our human design. It is a disease that cannot be gotten rid of. It is selfishness, desire, gluttony and more. It cannot be escaped. We have greed bread into our very core.

Examples: Let's think about the civil rights movements. Are they not motivated by a form of greed? The desire to gain rights and privileges in society is a form of greed for rights and privileges are another form of wealth are they not? Those in favor of civil rights are just as greedy as those who stand above those seeking those rights. Those who already hold the status of a first class citizen do not wish to loose that power and authority as the status quo is shaken to its very core. Both sides are greedy.

It is again the same in war. We know that those invading another country do it for the acquisition of money, power, natural resources, and other various means including religion. But are not the defenders just as greedy trying to keep their territory all to themselves? They are greedy as their very survival as a nation and a people hinges on protecting their rights and privileges acquired through their society and their culture.

Good greed versus bad greed: Greed to protect oneself from harm and to gain freedom is good. However, greed at the expense of someone else is bad. This is where a moral compass comes in. A person without a moral compass will obey the worst forms of greed and sacrifice all for the sack of gaining power and wealth. Those with a moral compass will however think upon their actions and choose the best method that does not sacrifice the other parts of their humanity to do so. So what is greed?

Conclusion: Greed is the natural survival instinct that we all share. The same goes with gluttony, lust and other terms we would like to distance ourselves from. However, Ayn Rand summed it all up into a simple word "selfishness." Unchecked the aspects of selfishness like greed will run rampant as we all fight like the animals we are to maintain our safety and security. However, a moral compass and a set of values will help protect against this. With these checks upon ourselves we can protect ourselves from becoming inhuman monsters which enables all of our ambitions to finally counteract each other peacefully rather than violently as mankind's nature dictates. We are bound by greed and our only cure is self control. Good luck.

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