Monday, May 5, 2014

Issue 328 Radical left: Population Control May 5, 2014

In this week I will go over some of the radicals in both political parties in the United States.  Today's is about the radicals who believe in population control due to their belief that the Earth cannot maintain its current population growth.  So let's discuss.

The why:  This group of leftists think that due to the population growth of humanity that the food and other resources will dry up and we will go extinct.  Problem with this is that an equilibrium will always establish itself regardless and the population will stabilize just like any other animal species.  But, they don't want to hear that and thus continue with crazy ideas to keep the population at acceptable life sustaining levels.  So I guess it is time to talk about their solutions to this "problem".

Their solution number 1:  They see the nationalized healthcare system (single payer system where the government handles all coverage for medical benefits) as a means to an end.  To use this system to meet their ends of population control they will implement what is known as the complete lives system.  In this system those useful to society such as workers between a certain ages will be given financial and preferential treatment in terms of healthcare.  However, this means that people deemed useless to the benefit of the overall country and its prosperity will receive less help if any at all.  So the terminally ill, invalids (unless they prove useful in other ways), newborns and children under a certain age, and people over a certain age will receive less care and attention than their healthier and more useful counterparts.  Young children as they age of course would get better and better care into adult hood, almost like earning the States confidence that they will be useful to society.  Those reaching their twilight years will have benefits decrees over time as they are deemed useless.  And guess what, this is taking place in places like Canada and other countries that use single payer (to varying degrees).  In Canada, there are terminally ill people who the government will not treat because they are deemed a lost cause as in the case of "baby Michel” who was dying and could have lived an extra 3 months if an operation was performed.  The Canadian system refused to cover it and so the parents thankfully whisked their child off to the United States where he did receive the operation and did live those extra few months before unfortunately dying.  Even here in the United States, where people use the States version of healthcare (Medicaid which is another form of single payer) a woman was denied cancer fighting drug coverage.  In this case, the pharmaceutical company that made that particular drug heard that the woman was denied coverage by the State of Oregon, and provided the medication to her free of charge which allowed her to live an extra six months (the cost of that drug was over $1,000 a pill).  So as you can see it will be like what Charles Bernard Shaw (the play-write and Fabian Socialist) envisioned where people go before a committee to justify their own existence and where if they could not they would be killed. A.K.A. DEATH PANELS!!!!

Abortion:  Their solution number two is abortion.  Here they envision population control in various methods.  For one, they encourage abortion as a means to an end (such as getting rid of undesirables). In fact this is partly how it was envisioned by Margret Sanger who sought to use abortion in a coerced genocide scheme against Black Americans as well as her solution to her ideas that pregnancy was nothing more than a disease.  In this case those undesirables are the poor and if they have children, they become a burden that requires more money from the State to support.  So abortion is a solution for them to relive a financial burden on the State and be rid of useless people.  Some however are really radical and want the ability to abort children even after they have already been born and even up to certain ages.  In Belgium, you can actually kill a child as young as two years old if they meet a certain level of mental or physical disability as it is seen as being humane to that child.  Disgusting is it not.

Their third and final solution?:  It seems that these radicals like the one child policy in China and wish to implement it here in the United States and elsewhere.  To enforce it, they will resort to forced sterilizations of women and men to support their goals.  Also, some want couples to have to go before a panel before they can get "permission" to have a child.  There are those who have gone even further to suggest that sterilizing agents be introduced into the water supply of communities to sterilize people in mass.  Sick is it not?

Conclusion:  These are the most common ideas that I have heard in my research and through news outlets.  I will not say people who believe the overpopulation rhetoric are bad as not all of them wish to implement such horrible and evil solutions, but instead endorse peaceful means that require nobody dying.  So if you must judge them, judge them based on their words and deeds, and reject those who would endorse the forced and coerced killing of millions on what I believe is a bogus idea that has been proven wrong time and again throughout history (it was proposed in the early 1900's well into the 21st century). 

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