Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Issue 329 Radical leftist Environmentalism May 6, 2014

Part 2 of the radical leftist segment is on the radical environmentalists.  Here we look into what these people want to happen to accommodate their cause.

Population Control:  Like yesterday, many of these radical leftists believe in the same overpopulation problem as their counterparts.  Some in this category are willing to go just as far to reduce the human population and its "detrimental" impact on the environment.

Animals before People:  Here people are not as important as the animals existing in this world.  So if a farmer who has been farming for generations on land he/she owns happens to share that land with an endangered species, the radicals will attempt to force the farmer off the land (some through legalities, and others through force).  This also includes anything that would disrupt their perceived notions of the "perfect" untouched environment.  So if a rail road that would be built, a factory or anything that would provide jobs, and bring the costs of goods down, the environmentalists would reject it if it goes through untouched lands.  They would prefer ejecting people from their homes than harming nature.  So much so that some of their supporters in government are pushing for laws that would allow people to sue on behalf of rocks, trees and of course the animals themselves. 

Fuels:  Well, environmentalists where opposed to oil so they went to natural gas as an alternative.  Then when they did not like that they switched to ethanol, and then strictly to solar and wind.  Basically, so long as it protects the environment from emissions then they are for it (unless it is nuclear which they fear due to radiation and disposal of waste material).  However, while they favor these emission free methods of power generation, they refuse to accept temporary alternatives like natural gas to help transition over to them over time.  They want immediate results which does not work.   

Global warming: They believe wholeheartedly in the global warming agenda and that people caused it.  So much so that some have openly advocated arresting people who disagree with them (some even more radical than them have called for murder).  They have blamed decreases in populations of animals like the polar bear, turtles having more sex and animal over population, people being depressed and more all on global warming.  At this point anything can be blamed on global warming and they may just believe it. 

Goals:  Their agenda is to create a perfect society that has no environmental impact at all. As such, some are trying to force vegan-ism (eating only plants and no meat) on the population by having legislatures tax the methane that cows fart (yes I am being serious).  They do this because it increases meat prices causing vegetables to be the more affordable option.  In addition they advocate urban farming (something I am not opposed to), but they want this so they can move the entire population into mega cities so that all rural farm land can be given back to nature.  As such they wish to do away with cars, and embrace more public transportation and other forms of mass transit.  Anything that would mean people living in the city and nature having all the rest of the planet is something they will always be in favor of. 

Conclusion:  Like the previous, this does not list all of what this portion of the radicals believe in.  Also, it does not categorize all who believe in global warming as a radical (some are quite nice and do not want to use force or any silliness at all).  But, there are those who are so radical that they overshadow the good people who just want a cleaner and better environment for the next generation.

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