Friday, May 9, 2014

Issue 332 Joint Radicals May 9, 2014

If you have noticed, certain elements on both sides of the political isle want to limit your choices.  This ranges from who you can be with/friends with (gays vs. strait/people vs organizations), to even what you can eat.  It is these elements of the political right and left that share another form of radicalism.  That radicalism is them believing that they know best over the masses as a whole.  So here are some examples of this radicalism.

Food Choice:  Throughout the country both the political right and left have this notion that they must protect us from ourselves.  This includes food.  In New York City salt is banned from restaurant tables because of its apparent link to heart disease.  But is that not a conscious decision by each individual to add more salt to their food? 

 Republicans and Democrats also limit the choices on school lunch menus by their advocating healthier options.  However those "healthier" options are either not filling enough or do not taste good to the school children.  Some schools have even denied second helpings to students based on this health fascism culture on both sides of the political aisle.  As such there has been instances of children fainting in class due to a lack of food or nutrition. 

 Trans-fats and other food items or ingredients, because of their perceived unhealthiness (which is usually due to them being overeaten) have also become banned or restricted in both restaurants and from consumer products. However, is not the better solution to keep consumers informed of what they are eating?  Well even this can go overboard as places like restaurants would have to be forced to put calorie count, grams of fat and other information about the food they make on the menu.  Problem is that it takes money (lots of it) to do which may force struggling businesses out of business.  Those information boxes on food already are misleading as a high calorie count is not necessarily a bad thing as some people need that amount of calories, fat or sugars just to stay healthy.  Sure it is nice to know what you are eating, but having it pushed in your face or being used as a deterrent by government to steer you away from certain foods is downright dumb.       

Item choices:  In this case the tax system limits choices you make.  States, municipalities, and the Federal government itself tax foods, alcohol, restaurants and other items you buy to push you away from using them.  These are called sin taxes.  So you may pay an extra five to 45 cents just to buy a particular item.  For instance plastic bottles in the United States have an extra five cents tacked on each bottle you buy because the government does not want you to buy things like soda or things contained in plastic.  Tobacco products are also taxed highly despite people on the right, left and center of politics wanting to completely un-ban marijuana and its associated products.  Hypocrisy is the name of the game here.

Health choices:  The government also seeks to protect us from our own selves by controlling our health choices.  Obama-care (the Affordable Healthcare Act) forces people to buy healthcare from insurance companies or otherwise pay a penalty.  Basically, the government saw fit to decide that we cannot choose for ourselves if and when we needed health insurance and decided to force us all to get it.  Think this was strictly an idea from the political left, then think again as a similar idea by the Republicans was proposed back in the 1990's.  So now you may be forced to buy healthcare that either is un-affordable, violates your beliefs (as they may cover euthanasia or contraceptives which violates religious or moral beliefs), or very simply violates your choices as a whole. 

Conclusion:  These are some of the many small to big things that impact our lives with this radicalism of big brother knows best. We are forced to subsidize with our money planned parenthood, big oil, green technology, corporate welfare, and other items that the Federal government has no business spending our money on. If we want to give money to a green business or oil then we will simply buy their product.  If we want to spend or donate to Planned Parenthood or a charity of some sort then we will give our money to them by our own choice.  But government gets in the way and say that they decide who is worthy and thus our money goes to whomever they want and not what we want.  This radicalism has to end and to do it, we must elect people who do not have this radical notion of believing they know better than everyone else and elect people who will refuse to spend our money save for what the Constitution allows. 

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